Impact of Reimbursement Decisions on Innovation in Genetic Testing Elaine Lyon, PhD Medical Director, Molecular Genetics, Co-Medical Director, Pharmacogenetics Associate Professor of Pathology University of Utah School of Medicine President-elect, Association for Molecular Pathology
Objectives Discuss the molecular pathology tier coding and issues with reimbursement Describe implications of reimbursement decisions for complex genetic testing List approaches to demonstrate utility of genetic testing
Molecular Pathology Codes General principles Accepted clinical practice Multiple labs Typical test Increased transparency Tier 1 – frequently ordered Tier 2 Unlisted
Tier 1 Examples: Transparent Inherited disease Somatic diseases 81206: BCR/ABL1 (t(9:22)) (eg, chronic myelogenous leukemia translocation analysis; major breakpoint, qualitative or quantitative 81207: > minor breakpoint, qualitative of quantitative 81208: > other breakpoint, qualitative or quantitative 81220: CFTR (cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator) (eg, cystic fibrosis) gene analysis, common variants (eg ACMG/ACOG guidelines) (when intron 8 poly-T analysis is performed in conjuction with 81220 in a R117H positive patient, do not report 81224) 81221: > known familial variants 81222: > duplication/deletion variants 81223: >full gene sequence 81224: >intron 8 poly-T analysis (eg, male infertility) Examples: Transparent Inherited disease 30% of test menu 87% of test volume Somatic diseases 41% of test menu 63% of test volume Represents ‘mature’ tests Often simpler, less expensive tests
Tier 2 Examples: Not complete transparent Amount of work Laboratories do not ‘self-assign’ Inherited disease 32% of our test menu 6% of test volume (genetic), Somatic disease 38% of test volume 20% of test volume Costs reflected in level Codes may move to Tier 1 as become routine 81401: Level 2 (eg, 2-10 SNPS, 1 methylated variant or 1 somatic variant (typically using nonsequencing target variant analysis) or detection of a dynamic mutation disorder/triplet repeat) ABL (c-abl oncogene I, receptor tyrosine kinase) (eg, acquired imatinib resistance). T315I variant 81407: Level 8 (eg, analysis of 26-50 exons by DNA sequence analysis, mutation scanning or duplication/deletion variatns of >50 exons, sequence analysis of multiple genes on one platform) > F8 (coagulation facotr VIII) (eg hemophilia A), full gene sequence
Unlisted: 81479 Examples: Inherited disease Somatic disease Blood antigens IL28B Translocations BCL-2/JH (t(14;18), API2-MALT1 t(11;18), SYT-SSX, t(X;18), Rare genetic diseases mitochondrial genome Exome Inherited disease 31% of test menu 4% of test volume Somatic disease 7% of test menu 14% of test volume Percentages may differ significantly for specialty laboratories
Next Generation Sequencing Codes not available Oncology/inherited/infectious disease Gene panels, exomes, genomes Intepretation Exomes: used as gene panel, 2nd analysis of exome if 1st analysis not informative Genomes: Analzyed as panel or exome, 2nd analysis of genome if 1st analysis not informative Symptom-guided analysis vs incidental findings Coding for re-analysis/re-intepretation? IMPACT: Delayed tests from being brought on-line
NGS Examples Non-invasive prenatal diagnosis of aneuploidies (cell free fetal DNA) Multi-gene panels for heritable disorders Exome/genome for rare genetic disorders Multi-gene/multiple mutation for oncology Clonality assessment in lymphomas Genome/exome of a neoplasm Microbiome
Cancer Panel 50 genes 2855 Mutations codes: 81210 (BRAF) $180.60 81235 (EGFR) $331.50 81245 (FLT3) $167.17 81270 (JAK2) $126.00 81275 (KRAS, ex 12-13) $179.20 81310 (NPM1) $249.01 81402 (MPL) tier 2 not listed 81403 x5 (ABL1, HRAS, IDH1, IDH2, KRAS ex 3) 81404 x6 (FGFR2, FGFR3, KIT, NRAS, PDGFRA, RET) 81405 (TP53) 81479 x1 (the rest) OR ALL Impact: uncertain reimbursement ABL1 AKT1 ALK APC ATM BRAF CDH1 CDKN2A CSF1R CTNNB1 EGFR ERBB2 ERBB4 EZH2 FBXW7 FGFR1 FGFR2 FGFR3 FLT3 GNA11 GNAQ GNAS HNF1A HRAS IDH1 IDH2 JAK2 JAK3 KDR KIT KRAS MET MLH1 MPL NOTCH1 NPM1 NRAS PDGFRA PIK3CA PTEN PTPN11 RB1 RET SMAD4 SMARCB1 SMO SRC STK11 TP53 VHL
Marfan Single Gene Assay 66 exons Mutation Positive (10% positivity rate) Includes known pathogenic and suspected pathogenic 56%: diagnosis based on clinical phenotype 44%: suspected diagnosis of Marfan disease 4% Variants of Uncertain Clinical Significance 64%: Suspected diagnosis of Marfan 37%: Diagnosis based on clinical phenotype p. Arg545Cys
Ehler Danlos Syndrome Type IV Marfan syndrome Tall stature Arachnodactyly Hypermobile joints Scoliosis Aortic aneurysm Learning disability Positive family history, sudden death in a close relative Loeys-Dietz Syndrome Arterial tortuosity Hypertelorism Bifid (split) or broad uvula Aneurysms Scoliosis Positive family history, sudden death in a close relative Morris et al., 2011 Circulation Arterial Tortuosity Tortuosity, elongation, and aneuryms of major arteries and the aorta Aortic stenosis, pulmonary artery or pulmonary valve Hypertelorism Hypermobile joints Arachnodactyly Scoliosis Hyperextensible skin Positive family history, sudden death in a close relative Ehler Danlos Syndrome Type IV Aneurysm Thin, translucent skin Extensive bruising Hypermobility Clubfoot Spontaneous pneumothorax or haemothorax Positive family history, sudden death in a close relative When we look at the clinical findings of these disorders, Marfan syndrome, Loeys-Dietz syndrome, Ehler danlos type IV, arterial turtuosity, we see this group of disorders have very similar findings. These patients may come with aortic aneurysm, tall stature and some skeletal findings. It will be difficult to pin point which disorder patient may have. As you have seen in this slide, Positive family history is also one of the common finding with sadly sudden death in a close relative. Finding the causative gene/mutation is very important for the family members as well. Cummings et al., 1998 JBJS Courtesy of Dr. Pinar Bayrak-Toydemir
Utility of NGS Gene Panel Assays Overlapping phenotypes or genetically heterogeneous disorders: Marfan Syndrome: most common (1:5000) FBN1 is a large gene (66 exons) expensive & time consuming to sequence by Sanger Loeys-Dietz syndrome (LDS) and Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS) type IV are clinically related to Marfan syndrome & difficult to distinguish clinically. Provide accurate diagnosis Useful for patients Eliminate repeated or non-essential medical evaluations Eliminates time and cost of sequential sequencing of genes Useful for family members: Mutation identification to prevent at-risk family members from complications AS I mentioned at the beginning gene panels are ideal for overlapping phenotypes and less stressful and cost effective. Courtesy of Dr. Pinar Bayrak-Toydemir
Association for Molecular Pathology GSP Codes Proposal to address CPT coding for Genomic Sequencing Procedures (March 2013) Association for Molecular Pathology Economic Affairs Committee Jeff Kant, former chair, Jan Nowak, co‐chair, Aaron Bossler, co‐chair, Dara Aisner, Sam Caughron, Jill Hagenkord, Roger Klein, Elaine Lyon, Paul Raslavicus, Linda Sabatini, Michelle Schoonmaker, Ester Stein, Kathryn Tynan
Considerations Transparency Clinical Utility Unique features of GPS Assay many genes simultaneously Re-analysis (re-query) of data Breadth of coverage Depth of coverage
Reimbursement Unlisted code not equivalent to denial or under payment CPT codes do not ensure reimbursement Received notification that some pharmacogenetic applications (cytochrome enzymes) will not be covered Others (CFTR, Long QT) require pre-authorization
Clinical Validity/Utility Mendelian diseases: gene mutations cause disease Association: risk for common diseases Clinical utility Payor definition Change management and improve outcomes
Define Clinical Utility Physician Change management and improve outcomes Appropriate diagnosis stops diagnostic odyssey Patient Prognosis Personal utility Family and life planning Inheritance pattern and recurrence risk Family Utility for siblings/children
Case Affected male with developmental delay Cytogenomic microarray X28q loss – known pathogenic Recommendation: Test mother to determine if de novo Affects recurrence risk Testing not covered for mother Son is Medicaid patient Microarray is very expensive Requested ‘no charge’ testing of qPCR Impact: Risk to 2nd child remains unknown unless laboratory provides free testing
Establishing Clinical Utility Randomized prospective controlled studies Retrospective Issues with Rare inherited diseases Long duration Diagnostics treated as pharmaceuticals or devices Safe and effective? Accurate and precise!
Mitochondrial Nuclear Genes Clinically heterogeneous group of disorders … of dysfunction of the mitochondrial respiratory chain. Common clinical features: ptosis, external ophthalmoplegia, proximal myopathy and exercise intolerance, cardiomyopathy, sensorineural deafness, optic atrophy, pigmentary retinopathy, and diabetes mellitus. Common central nervous system findings: fluctuating encephalopathy, seizures, dementia, migraine, stroke-like episodes, ataxia, and spasticity. Management is largely supportive may include early diagnosis and treatment of diabetes mellitus, cardiac pacing, ptosis correction, and intraocular lens replacement for cataracts. Individuals with complex I and/or complex II deficiency may benefit from oral administration of riboflavin GeneReviews: Conservative prevalence estimate of all mitochondrial diseases is 1:8500 “mitochondrial nuclear gene tests do not support the required clinical utility for the established Medicare benefit category and are statutorily excluded tests”. Impact: Not reimbursed – can we continue to offer the test?
Design Difficulties Enough statistical power: Examples: CYP2D6 combining heterozygous and homozygous to get enough numbers Mitochondrial nuclear genes: >100 genes Changing Standard of Care Example: Warfarin Lyon et al. Laboratory testing of CYP2D6 alleles in relation to tamoxifen therapy .Genet Med 2012:14(12):990–1000 Endoxifen plasma concentration
EGAPP Evaluation for Genomic Applications and Practice and Prevention Common conclusion Insufficient evidence … found insufficient evidence to support a recommendation for or against use of CYP450 testing in adults beginning SSRI treatment for non-psychotic depression. In the absence of supporting evidence …., EGAPP discourages use of CYP450 testing for patients beginning SSRI treatment until further clinical trials are completed. Taken as “Evidence Against”
Evidence-Based Reviews Genetic Test Reviewed by Conclusion Thrombophilia AHRQ/EGAPP No direct evidence HER2 AHRQ Weak evidence Gene expression/breast cancer High quality retrospective for Oncotype DX UGT1A1 EGAPP Insufficient evidence HNPCC Limited evidence for benefits to family members CYP450 – non-psychotic depression Paucity of good quality evidence (SSRI) Ovarian cancer No evidence Adapted from Leonard, IOM workshop presentation, Nov 17, 2010: In: Generating Evidence for Genomic Diagnostic Test Development: Workshop Summary: National Academy of Sciences.
Coverage with Evidence Development Class II code Example: Warfarin CYP2C9 (*2, *3) VKORC1 Promoter mutation (-1639G>A) Genetics explains 30-50% of warfarin dose variability Clinical features explain 20-30% >20% of dose variability remains unexplained The gene-dose relationship is clear & convincing People with variants are at risk for over-dosing Improved outcomes not proven Test volume dropped after decision, never has grown
Circular Problem Marker utility poorly valued Lower evidence Not reimbursed Lower funding/lack of interest Lack of clinical trials Lower evidence Adapted from: Generating Evidence for Genomic Diagnostic Test Development: Workshop Summary: National Academy of Sciences.
Models Include Types: Biological relationships Treatment, diagnosis, disease penetrance Personal/Family utility Types: Oncology Inherited diseases
Examples of Models Oncology Prognostic, predictive, markers, companion diagnostics Chain of evidences Demonstrate usefulness in one or multiple cancer/specimen types? Define “ supportive” and ‘adequate” evidence JNCCN 9(S5) 2011 NCCN Task Force Report; Evaluating the Clinical Utility of Tumor Markers in Oncology Generating Evidence for Genomic Diagnostic Test Development: Workshop Summary: National Academy of Sciences
Inherited Disease Autosomal dominant Available treatment Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia Galactosemia No available treatment Huntington disease Autosomal recessive Cystic fibrosis testing for adults Carrier status Atypical CF-related symptoms X-linked Fragile X
Establishing Utility Molecular pathologists/clinical laboratorians, clinicians, health economists Underpowered or partial data modeled for useful information Will require models for different scenarios
Regulation and Reimbursement Find a standard that can be accepted by both regulations and reimbursements Impact: Priceless
Summary Codes needed but not sufficient for reimbursement Impact of reimbursement challenges Uncertainty for Laboratories Insufficient or lack of reimbursement Delay, discontinue or not develop tests Definition of Utility needs to expand Family members to receive appropriate testing Need different models for utility
Thanks to ARUP Laboratories Association for Molecular Pathology Clinical and R&D Molecular Genetics/Genomics Association for Molecular Pathology Professional Relations Committees Clinical Practice Economic Affairs