Diving into success with guided reading small groups in k-2 How to get started Kim Card Susan Jackson
Materials needed for a Guided Reading Lesson! 5-6 dry erase boards, markers, and erasers 5-6 metal trays and complete magnetic letter sets Leveled texts and popsicle sticks as pointers Phonics phones Alphabet letter cards Leveled books - DRA Kit
Administer Emergent Word List Assessment DRA students on that level How to Group Students Administer Emergent Word List Assessment DRA students on that level Group students and plan lessons according to results
View the Guided Reading Model video on the Portal Stop View the Guided Reading Model video on the Portal
What do the different leveled groups look like What do the different leveled groups look like? Low letter cards, match upper and lowercase letters, letter sorts, write letter names and sounds, choral read, concepts of print Medium and High Dictated sentence, Teach a sight word, Read books individually, word study
How do you utilize your assistant? Sets up and leads word work small group Looks at writing journals Sets up listening center Monitors timer and chimes
Write their first name without a model When to Discontinue the Pre-A small group lesson and move on to Emergent: Write their first name without a model Identify at least 40 upper- and lower-case letters by name Demonstrate left-to-right directionality across one line of print Understand enough English to follow simple directions Hear a few consonant sounds (at least five)
Jan Richardson Website http://www.janrichardsonguidedreading.com/ Free resources and videos!
Thank you for coming Questions? Kim Card cardk@bcsdschools.net Susan Jackson jacksons@bcsdschools.net