Chapter 2 - Culture
Culture - Knowledge, values, customs,and physical objects that are shared by members of a society. How much of our personality is heredity and how much is learned from the culture in which we grow?
Nature vs. Nurture Studies done on identical twins Shows it is about 50-50
Language and Culture Transmission of culture from one generation to next relies heavily on symbols The biggest symbol is language symbol - a thing that stands for or represents something else
Language and Culture cont’d Sapir - Whorf Hypothesis - “Hypothesis of Linguistic Relativity” our idea of reality depends largely on language More important to society = more words to describe it
Norms and Values Norms - Rules defining appropriate/ inappropriate behavior. 3 types: 1. Folkways - rules that cover customary ways of thinking but lack moral overtones sleeping in a bed hat off in bldg applause after performance matching socks waiting turn in line
Folkways cont’d When folkways broken, we may consider people odd, but not wicked Sometimes people are not aware of a norm UNTIL it has been broken
Norms cont’d 2. Mores - norms that have moral dimensions and should be followed by society. Standing for National Anthem Cursing in a church Able bodied men working taboos - MOST serious mores.Violation demands punishment
Norms cont’d 3. Laws - norms that are formally defined and enforced by officials Consciously created and enforced Some mores become laws (smoking in public) Not ALL laws start as mores (parking, seatbelt)
Enforcing Norms : Sanctions: rewards/punishments used to encourage people to follow norms formal - medals, fines, whippings, prison informal - “thanks”, smile, glare
Values - Broad ideas about what is good/desirable shared by people of a society freedom life honesty democracy equality achievement hard work
Beliefs Belief - ideas about the nature of reality Can be true or false People base their behavior on their beliefs
Beliefs & Material Culture Nonmaterial culture – ideas, knowledge, and beliefs that influence people’s behavior
Material Culture Concrete, tangible things that make up a culture No meaning or use apart from what people give them
Beliefs & Material Culture Values, norms, knowledge, ideas (nonmaterial) + Physical objects (material) = CULTURE
Ideal Culture vs. Real Culture Ideal - Cultural guidelines that group members CLAIM to accept Real - ACTUAL behavior patterns of members of a group EXAMPLE: honesty
Cultural Change - Why? 1. Discovery - Finding something that already exists
Cultural Change 2. Invention - Creation of something new
Cultural Change Diffusion - borrowing of aspects of culture from other cultures
Cultural Diversity Social categories - groupings of persons who share a social characteristic (age, sex, religion) Subcultures - part of a dominant culture but differs from it in some important aspect (Chinatown, Circus members)
Cultural Diversity cont’d Counterculture - a subculture that is DELIBERATELY, consciously opposed to certain beliefs of the dominant culture
Ethnocentrism Judging others in terms of one’s own cultural standards
Class assignment You are asked to be a member of a welcoming committee for a group of new exchange students. Create a brochure to help them understand more about the culture of American teenagers!
Cultural Universals Music sports cooking housing courtship government marriage property rights Family hospitality mourning religious ritual education
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