Exploring Microsoft Excel 2003 Chapter 3 – Graphs and Charts: Delivering a Message Robert Grauer and Maryann Barber Committed to Shaping the Next Generation of IT Experts. Exploring Office 2003 Vol 1 2/e- Grauer and Barber
Exploring Office 2003 Vol 1 2/e- Grauer and Barber What is a Chart? A graphic representation of data in a worksheet Chart elements Category labels – descriptive text entries Data points – numeric values Data series: a grouping of data points Graphic representations of data allow decision makers to quickly spot trends and patterns without having to sort through rows and columns of data. Charts are frequently used in presentations. Many organizations have performance measurables. These items are often charted and displayed in each group’s work area. Exploring Office 2003 Vol 1 2/e- Grauer and Barber
Exploring Office 2003 Vol 1 2/e- Grauer and Barber Chart Types Keep it simple Use the appropriate chart type Pie and Exploded pie charts display proportional relationships Column charts display numbers rather than percentages Bar charts display numbers horizontally The most important step in creating a chart is to decide on the intended message. The best-looking chart that conveys no meaning, or the wrong meaning, is useless. The intended message will often dictate the type of chart you create. Pie charts are effective when you want to display proportion; i.e. if you have four regions and want to know how much each contributes to total revenues. The IRS used to put a pie chart in the front of the 1040 booklet showing how much of each dollar of tax revenue went to different areas in the budget. Column charts and bar charts display the actual numbers rather than the percentages. These charts also allow you to plot more than one data series. Some people prefer bar charts, which display the numbers horizontally. They feel it allows them to compare proportionality among the data points more readily than column charts. Exploring Office 2003 Vol 1 2/e- Grauer and Barber
Exploring Office 2003 Vol 1 2/e- Grauer and Barber Pie Charts Chart title Notice the labels for each slice of the pie. They show both the category label and the percentage. This option eliminates the need for a legend. Each slice of the pie represents the percentage of the dinner bill each person pays Slices are exploded Exploring Office 2003 Vol 1 2/e- Grauer and Barber
Exploring Office 2003 Vol 1 2/e- Grauer and Barber Column Charts Embedded chart shows both the chart and the data Row 3 contains column headings and forms labels for X axis The pie chart shown earlier was created in a chart sheet. This chart is embedded in the worksheet. Notice that the chart is neatly lined up under the data and that the text on both axes is legible. Sometimes students will just create the chart and not make it presentable. An illegible chart is much worse than no chart at all. Another common mistake is to not include the row or column headings in the data selected for the chart. This results in helpful category labels such as “Series 1” and “Series 2”. Use the mouse to select a non-contiguous cell range for the chart. Exploring Office 2003 Vol 1 2/e- Grauer and Barber
Exploring Office 2003 Vol 1 2/e- Grauer and Barber Creating A Chart Two ways to create Embed chart in worksheet Sizing handles allow you to size, move, copy, or delete an embedded chart Create in separate chart sheet Charts are linked to underlying data A change in the data instantly updates the chart(s) created on that data Embedded worksheets allow you to show the chart and its underlying data on the same printed sheet or to display the data and more than one chart on the same sheet. Formatting embedded worksheets tends to be a little more difficult. Charts in separate chart sheets are easily created with the F11 key! Chart sheets are easier to format and tend to print better. Exploring Office 2003 Vol 1 2/e- Grauer and Barber
Exploring Office 2003 Vol 1 2/e- Grauer and Barber Using the Chart Wizard Select the cells that contain the data Click the Chart Wizard button on the standard toolbar Select the chart type Check the data series Complete the chart options Choose the location Don’t forget to include row and/or column headings in the data. These will be used as category labels. Don’t use chart wizard if you are creating a chart a “stand alone” chart, F11 is much faster. It provides a basic column chart (the default chart) that can be customized as you wish. The Chart Wizard walks you step-by-step through creating the chart. If you make a mistake or change your mind on something, just click the Back button. Exploring Office 2003 Vol 1 2/e- Grauer and Barber
Exploring Office 2003 Vol 1 2/e- Grauer and Barber Choose the Chart Type Sub-types change as a different chart type is selected Encourage students to make use of the button that views a sample chart. Many times it alerts students that they selected too much, or not enough, data. Select any of the standard chart types or click the Custom Types tab to create your own Definitely use this button. If all you see is a blank screen, cancel and reselect data. Exploring Office 2003 Vol 1 2/e- Grauer and Barber
Exploring Office 2003 Vol 1 2/e- Grauer and Barber Check the Data Series Preview the chart before going further Collapse button hides the dialog and allows you to select a different range Encourage students to spend time on this tab. Does this look like the message they are trying to convey? If not, experiment with the data series and/or data type. The dropdown at the bottom shows the default Category axis labels. If students forget to select the row with the column headings, they can enter those cells during this step. Show them how to use the Collapse button to select cells. The first row is used as a default for the X axis labels Exploring Office 2003 Vol 1 2/e- Grauer and Barber
Complete the Chart Options Use the other tabs to add descriptive text to the chart and enhance its formatting A descriptive title is a very important feature for a useful chart. The easiest way to add the chart title is by using the Wizard; however, a title can be manually added after the chart has been created. Explore the tabs on this dialog in class. Pay particular attention to the Legend and Data Labels tabs. If you plan to create the chart on a separate sheet, the Data Table tab places the data underneath the appropriate data series on the chart. I would not use a data table on a chart that is going to be embedded. Enter a title for the chart. If you want labels for the axes, enter them here Exploring Office 2003 Vol 1 2/e- Grauer and Barber
Exploring Office 2003 Vol 1 2/e- Grauer and Barber Choose the Location Give the chart sheet a name Use this option to create the chart in a chart sheet. If you’re going to create the chart in a chart sheet, give the sheet a descriptive name so that you don’t end up with sheets named Chart1, Chart2, etc. If you forget, rename the sheet the same way you rename any worksheet. Better yet, if you intend to create the chart in a chart sheet, don’t use chart wizard because F11 is much faster! Charts can actually be embedded in any worksheet. The default will be the worksheet that was active when the chart wizard was invoked. Use this option to embed the chart Exploring Office 2003 Vol 1 2/e- Grauer and Barber
Exploring Office 2003 Vol 1 2/e- Grauer and Barber Modifying a Chart Add labels, change the data type, or format the chart with the Chart toolbar Add text boxes, arrows and other objects for emphasis with the Drawing toolbar Don’t get too carried away with adding objects to the chart. One or two text boxes and/or arrows can create a good effect, but too much causes the chart to become cluttered and hard to read. Keep it simple! Exploring Office 2003 Vol 1 2/e- Grauer and Barber
Exploring Office 2003 Vol 1 2/e- Grauer and Barber Enhancing a Chart Arrow with embedded text box highlights fourth quarter increase Exploring Office 2003 Vol 1 2/e- Grauer and Barber
Moving and Sizing the Chart Sizing handles indicate a chart is selected and can be moved, sized, copied, or deleted Drag a corner handle to change height and width simultaneously and keep in proportion When the sizing handle is selected, the chart can be resized. Resizing an embedded chart resizes all the elements in the chart, so there is a lot of experimentation involved. Exploring Office 2003 Vol 1 2/e- Grauer and Barber
Exploring Office 2003 Vol 1 2/e- Grauer and Barber Multiple Data Series Select multiple data series when you want to see individual data points rather than totals Determine whether data series are in rows or columns Data points plotted are the same either way, but grouping will be different. Exploring Office 2003 Vol 1 2/e- Grauer and Barber
Exploring Office 2003 Vol 1 2/e- Grauer and Barber Rows Versus Columns If data series are in rows First row is used for category labels Remaining rows are used for data series First column is used for the legend text If data series are in columns First column is used for category labels Remaining columns are used for data series First row is used for legend text Exploring Office 2003 Vol 1 2/e- Grauer and Barber
Exploring Office 2003 Vol 1 2/e- Grauer and Barber Data Series in Rows Data series in rows, so first row is used as category labels and remaining rows are data series First column used as legend text Data series are specified in rows, so the data points are grouped by city. The legend text is taken from the first column. Exploring Office 2003 Vol 1 2/e- Grauer and Barber
Exploring Office 2003 Vol 1 2/e- Grauer and Barber Data Series in Columns Data series in columns, so first column is used as category labels and the first row as legend text The twelve data points are the same, but the grouping is different. Now it is easier to compare by product as opposed to by area. Notice the title of this chart is different than the previous one. We go back to our first point about creating charts. Decide what message you want to convey. Are you comparing by product or by city? Data points are the same; different grouping allows you to make different comparisons Exploring Office 2003 Vol 1 2/e- Grauer and Barber
Exploring Office 2003 Vol 1 2/e- Grauer and Barber Stacked Column Charts Depicts totals by category instead of each individual data point Each data point is plotted as part of a whole Useful when you want to compare totals by category A stacked column chart simply plots each data point as part of a whole. The second data point in the series is graphed where the first data point leaves off and so forth. A variation on this is the 100% stacked column chart, which combines the proportionality of a pie chart with the ability to plot multiple data series, which you cannot do with a pie chart. Exploring Office 2003 Vol 1 2/e- Grauer and Barber
Example of Stacked Column Chart Each category is graphed as a total. Denver is plotted beginning where Miami left off Data labels show the value associated with each piece of the column Each data point is plotted on top of the other data points in that series. This approach shows each data point as well as the total information. Data labels associate the value of each data point. Exploring Office 2003 Vol 1 2/e- Grauer and Barber
Object Linking and Embedding Create a document in one application that contains objects from another application Embedded object is stored in the document an Excel chart becomes part of the Word document Linked object is stored in its own file any change in this file is automatically reflected in the main document There are advantages to linking and to embedding. If you want to create a memo to a worksheet that frequently changes and you want the values in the worksheet to remain static, embed the worksheet and/or chart. The advantage of a link is that as the underlying worksheet changes, the memo is automatically updated. Linking is a good choice for creating a template. With either, the worksheet can be edited in the application that created it by simply double-clicking the object on the document. The difference between the two is where the document is saved. With an embedded object, it becomes part of the master document. Links sometimes become broken if the file is moved or damaged. In a local network area environment, the link can become broken if the mapping to the network drive is changed, so take care when using links. Exploring Office 2003 Vol 1 2/e- Grauer and Barber
Exploring Office 2003 Vol 1 2/e- Grauer and Barber Linking A Worksheet Worksheet and embedded chart are linked into this document With a linked document, changes to the source document are instantly updated. If they are not updated in the memo, right click on the linked object (the worksheet in this case) and select the Update Link command. Exploring Office 2003 Vol 1 2/e- Grauer and Barber