Harvest Benefit Dance Outer Banks Shag Club Annual Saturday, November 19, 2016 7:00PM-11:00PM Comfort Inn South-441-6315 8031 Old Oregon Inlet Road Nags Head, North Carolina Come and celebrate with the Outer Banks Shag Club at their 24nd Annual Harvest Dance. Donation is $10 per person Music provided by DJ Harvey Taylor Light refreshments will be provided – cash bar Silent Auction, Raffle, and 50/50 Carol Koon and Milo Rosales will be the recipients of this year’s proceeds. They are Outer Banks residents who were recently involved in a terrible auto accident that took another young boy’s life. Ms. Koon and 8-year old Milo still have many needs. The funds will be administered through the Outer Banks Relief Foundation. *Checks to Outer Banks Relief Foundation. Credit Cards also accepted. Special Hotel Rates Fri/Sat Ocean Front $78 per night Fri/Sat Sound Side $68 per night