Unit 2 Naturalism and Aestheticism History of English literature Module 8 Modernism Unit 2 Naturalism and Aestheticism 主讲教师:姚丽教授 沈阳理工大学
Naturalism and Aestheticism
Naturalism Definition Flourishing in Europe in the second half of the 19th century, particularly in France with Zola as the representative of this trend Theory that literary composition should be based on an objective, empirical presentation of human beings
Naturalism The naturalists arguing that literature must be “true to life” and produce life exactly as it is in literary writings, including all the details without any selection Never forming a literary school in England
Naturalism George Gissing (1857 —1903) Introduction Representative English naturalist writer Frequently writing about working-class and lower-middle-class people Showing strong traces of pessimism in his works
Naturalism New Grub Street《新格鲁勃街》 George Gissing’s best known novel About the different types of writers in England in the last decades of the 19th century About the life of a writer struggling to support himself and his family on his meager earnings
Naturalism Expressing George Gissing’s grim view of literary life in London in the 19th century Hitting upon the very essence of the general conditions of journalism in England of his time
Naturalism Writing features Creating the impression that he is escaping from it rather than fighting and offering a way out Simply describing people and events but offering little or no psychological depth
Aestheticism Definition Beauty being the basic principle from which all other principles, especially moral ones, are derived Separating art or literature from life or social reality Art for art’s sake Oscar Wilde as the chief representative figure
Aestheticism Oscar Wilde (1854-1900) Introduction Versatile writer of essay, fiction, drama, poetry and miscellaneous prose Leader and spokesman of aestheticism Spending two years in prison for homosexual conduct Living in obscurity after release from prison Dying in Paris
Aestheticism The Picture of Dorian Gray 《道林格雷的画像》 Story of a handsome and innocent youth Aestheticism as a strong theme in the story Receiving poor reception among critics when first published Today being considered as a classical work
Aestheticism Famous comedies Lady Windermere’s Fan 《温德密尔夫人的扇子》 The Importance of Being Earnest《认真的重要性》 An Ideal Husband《理想的丈夫》 A Woman of No Importance《无足轻重的女人》
Aestheticism Lady Windermere’s Fan The best-known comedy of Oscar Wilde Written in the tradition of the well-made play (佳构剧 ) The use of witty, paradoxical remarks by the characters
Naturalism Aestheticism Summary Naturalism Aestheticism