VHT SG PAR Feedback from Individuals April 2007 doc.: IEEE 802.11-07/0570r0 July 2008 VHT SG PAR Feedback from Individuals Date: 2008-07-14 Authors: Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation
Individual General Comments April 2007 doc.: IEEE 802.11-07/0570r0 July 2008 Individual General Comments International Standards Adoptions We have “no” for both PARs in section 7.2. Change to “Do not know at this time”. 802.11 may consider submission to ISO add “users” as stakeholders in 5.6 “Manufacturers and users of semiconductors, personal computers, networking infrastructure devices and consumer electronics.” Regarding 1.1, add additional explanatory note that this is an amendment to the then current revision of the IEEE standard 802.11 Define acronyms: BSS, AP, STA, NLOS Fix style, e.g. space between numbers and units Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation
Individual <6 GHz PAR Comments (1/2) April 2007 doc.: IEEE 802.11-07/0570r0 July 2008 Individual <6 GHz PAR Comments (1/2) Add “item numbers” to bullet items in Additional Explanatory Notes 5.3 Is the completion of this standard is dependent upon the completion of another standard: No Probably dependent on 802.11n, so may need to change to yes 5.5 Need for the Project Regarding “Wireless networks are particularly in need of continual enhancements since the link is by definition shared”, faulty rationale, but doubt it will draw negative votes Higher speed networks are primarily justified by higher throughput requirements, independent of radios being a shared medium in a given space 17.5.1 b) Minor edit “According to the Wi-Fi Alliance the community of Wi-Fi users in 2008 is estimated to count more than 250 M members.” Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation
Individual <6 GHz PAR Comments (2/2) July 2008 Individual <6 GHz PAR Comments (2/2) 17.5.3 a) Regarding “The goal is to increase the overall system throughput by considering new technologies, for the both PHY and MAC layers, operating below the 6 GHz band.” MAC enhancements (Scope) usually are not equated with new MAC technologies. If it is a different MAC, why is it part of 802.11? Regarding “IEEE P802.15 TG3c intends to support higher physical data rates than those currently defined by P802.15 task group 3, and similar to those targeted by this proposal.” TG structure is typically not know well to know the difference between TG 3c and TG3? It is better to refer to the standards than to the WG subgroups. 17.5.3 b) “There is no other wireless LAN standard providing significantly higher throughput than 802.11vht operating in bands below 6GHz.” Inconsistent style Other places it is VHT and not concatenated. 17.5.3 c) Regarding “The 802.11vht amendment will differentiate itself from other IEEE 802 wireless standards via the title which stresses the specification of gigabit speed WLAN technology.”, when approved an amendment becomes part of 802.11 and buried in 1000s of pages. Its title is lost when merged for publication. Perhaps reword to “An introduction sub-clause will be added to clause 5.2, which will highlight modifications and their associated clauses.” Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation
Individual 60 GHz PAR Comments April 2007 doc.: IEEE 802.11-07/0570r0 July 2008 Individual 60 GHz PAR Comments 17.5.1 Balanced costs (LAN versus attached stations) “WLAN cost for existing and new technologies continue to be competitive, new high throughput solutions will not change this paradigm and it is clear that cost parity will be maintained for VHT WLAN.” does not answer question Suggestion: “VHT is expected to show similar balance between end-station and network infrastructure (e.g., access points) to that of previous WLAN options” 17.5.3 b) Minor edits: “There are no other wireless LAN standards providing significantly higher throughput than 802.11VHT proposes.” 17.5.3 c) “60 GHz Very High Throughput will be introduced as a new amendment in 802.11.”, doesn’t really answer the question Perhaps reword to “60 GHz PHY will likely be amended to 802.11 as a new clause. An introduction sub-clause will be added to clause 5.2, which will highlight MAC modifications and their associated clauses.” 17.5.4 Demonstrated system feasibility. “Link budget analysis has been introduced to the Study Group as has the market opportunity in the unlicensed 60 GHz domain.”, mixing tech with economic and broad market criteria Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation