Developmental Supervision Developmental Supervision Model Case Studies
Glickman’s Model: Developmental Supervision: Match the Supervisory Behavior to the needs and readiness level of those you supervise.
Glickman’s Model: Directive Control: High Supervision Level, Low Level of Teacher Input and/or Direction.
Glickman’s Model: Directive Informational: High level of supervisor control. Information given to those supervised to help them make decisions.
Glickman’s Model: Collaborative Supervision: Supervisor and teacher in collaborative balanced roles.
Glickman’s Model Nondirective Supervision: Supervisor give less direction, those supervised take initiative and make decisions.
Case Study One: Gerald Watson: Teaching Methods: Little active learning Professional Development: Avoidance Supervisory Strategy? Why? Steps for Change? Results?
Case Study Two: Janice Smith: New Teacher w/ Classroom Management Concerns. Supervisory Strategy: Why? Steps for Change? Results?
Case Study Three: Social Studies Teacher: Mike Phillips Supervisory Strategy? Why? Steps for change? Results?
Case Study Four: Maria Sanchez Supervisory Strategy? Why? Supervisory Interventions? Results?
Supervisory Behaviors: What information can supervisors use to determine how to best 'create positive change' in school instruction? What is developmental supervision? Using what you know about adult development, explain why developmental supervision might be a useful tool.