Fox Covert Primary School Always curious, always growing P1 Induction Evening 1st June 2017
Overview of Evening 6.30 pm Welcome and Introduction Lorraine Budge, Head Teacher 6. 45 pm Starting School – Practical Arrangements Amy Kay, Principal Teacher 7.15 pm Parent Council Welcome Julie Fairhurst, Chairperson
General Information 270 pupils in session 2017-2018 10 classes HT, 2 PTs & Business Manager 11 Class Teachers in school 1 Class Teacher in nursery 6 Pupil Support Workers 1 Admin Assistant
General Information Fox Covert Early Years Centre The Den 5 year playground development plan 2 P1 classes Staffing
School Vision, Values & Aims Our vision is to deliver an exciting and vibrant curriculum, providing high quality learning opportunities for all within a safe, secure and stimulating environment. We believe that this will inspire a love of learning and unlock the potential that lies within all our children, preparing them to be happy, successful, and responsible citizens in the future
New Vision, New Uniform
Values Growth is at the heart of all we do. Goals Resilience Outstanding Wonder Teamwork Honesty
Aims To nurture and support all abilities, helping every child to achieve their potential in all areas of learning - intellectual, emotional, physical, social, moral, spiritual and cultural. To allow pupils to become literate and numerate through high quality learning experiences. To equip children with the resilience and perseverance to become creative and independent thinkers and to become learners for life within an ever-changing world. To provide an environment where children feel safe, happy and secure. To foster an enquiring mind, with the ability to question, choose, evaluate and argue rationally.
Working in Partnership Education is a partnership between parents/carers and school staff Staff at Fox Covert Primary welcome and value the support and involvement of parents/carers in their child’s education
How to get in touch ………. Open door policy Telephone, letter, child’s homework diary Class Teachers in playground at beginning and end of school day School Office : Evelyn Thomson Amy Kay, Principal Teacher
Communication from school Weekly bulletin via ParentPay Class Newsletters Parent Information Evenings Open Days/Class Assemblies School website Follow us on Twitter @FoxCovertPS
What is Primary 1 like?
Outdoor Learning
Parents as Partners
What should my child bring? Blue Book bag every day School Bag Appropriate clothing Water bottle Gym rubbers –will be kept in school Outdoor & Indoor Gym kit – will be kept in school A healthy snack – Nut Free School Stationery
What can you do to help your child? Fine motor activities – practise dressing, buttons, zips, tights Practise holding pencils, crayons, cutting Train your child to cope with basic hygiene Encourage your child to play, share, take turns Tidy up, listen to and follow instructions Foster a love of reading , writing, exploring number
The First Day – Wednesday 16th August 9.00am – 12.00am at the Infant Door Lining up Photo op The rest of that week 9.00am – 12 noon Dismissed from Infant Door Monday 21st of August 8.50 am-3.15pm
End of Day Dismissed from Infant door Let us know if there are any changes/you’re going to be late Please stand well back After School Club
Playtime and Lunch Time Playtime 10.45-11.00am 2.00pm-2.15pm Lunchtime 12.00pm-1.00pm Wet breaks
Lunches All pupils P1-3 entitled to a free school lunch All dietary requirements catered for Bring a packed lunch if they prefer Menu completed on ParentPay, must be filled in by midnight every Wednesday Practise Lunch Thursday 17th August at 11.15 am
Pack Contents Starting School Booklet for pupils EE2 Forms Information sheet from Parent Council Lunch Menus Milk Orders Lunch Orders
ParentPay, Milk & Uniform Orders Milk orders returned tonight or ASAP Uniform
Breakfast Club Monday to Friday from 7.45 am – 8.45 am Healthy breakfast will be provided Variety of activities on offer Pupils escorted to school playground P1 & P2 pupils will be handed over to staff Contact for more details : Refer to the details on the slide
Welcome To FCPS
Julie Fairhurst Chair of the Parent Council