Dynamic energy simulation MORE-CONENCT 1st training module Dynamic energy simulation Dr.sc.ing. Anatolijs Borodiņecs M.sc.ing. Renars Millers Duration: 4 hours Type: class room lectures
Introduction Precise building energy simulation allows correct evaluation of energy savings and calculation of payback time. Currently widely used steady state energy calculation tools in Latvia don’t consider air-tightness, occupant schedule, wind specifics, massivity of building constructions, Floating COP values of heating/cooling equipment etc. For large office buildings and buildings with large windows area and mechanical cooling systems the dynamic energy simulation tools are the most appropriate approach to make precise energy consumption estimation especially for summer time. This module is focused on building energy analysis using such dynamic energy simulation software as IDA-ICE, RIUSKA etc. In scope of this module the participants will learn on 3D building model import using IFC format, creation of building 3D model, definition of materials properties and climatic conditions. Each participant will receive IDA-ICE three-months educational license. During the lectures the comparison of energy calculation using steady tool and dynamic energy calculation for MORE-CONENCT case building will be analyzed. After completing this module individuals will be able to create own building model, to define boundary conditions and to make simplified building dynamic energy simulation.
Overview https://www.buildingenergysoftwaretools.com/ https://www.buildingenergysoftwaretools.com/software-listing?keywords=&field_catagory_tid%5B%5D=201&field_platform_tid=All&field_price_tid=All&field_last_updated_value%5Bvalue%5D%5Byear%5D=2010&field_language_tid=All&keys=&sort_by=field_rating_rating&sort_order=DESC&items_per_page=40 Borodinecs.A., Rodriguez-Gabriel A., Tatarchenko O., and etc. Handbook on Buildings Renovation in Central Baltic Region – ISBN - 978-9934-507-39-7 – Riga: Riga Technical University
Classification of Computational Programs Borodinecs.A., Rodriguez-Gabriel A., Tatarchenko O., and etc. Handbook on Buildings Renovation in Central Baltic Region – ISBN - 978-9934-507-39-7 – Riga: Riga Technical University
Parameters considered in simulation programs Borodinecs.A., Rodriguez-Gabriel A., Tatarchenko O., and etc. Handbook on Buildings Renovation in Central Baltic Region – ISBN - 978-9934-507-39-7 – Riga: Riga Technical University
Calculation programs EXCELL based WEB-tool PHPP requires some extra adaptation to prepare final document in accordance to Latvian legislations. EXCELL based Passive House Planning Package, PHPP; Latvian energy calculation tool «EFA» ; WEB-tool Heatmod - http://www.heatmod.lv «EFA» is no longer supported by Ministry of Economy. However calculation procedure fulfils major requirements. All tools are based on EN ISO 13790:2009.
Climate data Monthly Average Temperatures I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX XI XII PHPP V9.3 -2.1 -2.7 0.7 7.0 12.3 15.4 19.0 17.8 12.9 7.4 2.8 -0.6 LBN003-15 -4,7 -4,3 -0,6 5,1 11,4 15,4 16,9 16,2 11,9 7,2 2,1 -2,3 СНиП 2.01.01-82 -4,5 -4,2 -1,1 5,2 11,5 18 16,5 12,2 6,7 1,6 СНиП II-А.6-72 -5.0 -4.8 -2 4.6 10.7 14.3 17.1 15.7 11.7 6.2 1.5 -2.6 IDA-ICE (ASHARE IWEC2 2011) -0.1 -3.0 6.5 15.6 17.4 12.2 7.7 1.8 -1.6
Climate data
Hourly data
Living room and kitchen Internal heat gains Constant Day Time Living room and kitchen Other room Monday - Friday 07.00 – 17.00 8.0 1.0 17.00 – 23.00 20.0 23.00 – 07.00 2.0 6 average 9.0 2.67 Saturday - Sunday 4.0 6.0 3.83 3.0
Internal heat gains variable
Used in Latvia dynamic energy simulations ArchiCAD EcoDesigner STAR add MagiCAD Comfort & Energy IDA- ICE; IESVE; RIUSKA Embedded tools Stand alone software
MORE-CONNECT building ArchiCAD EcoDesigner STAR add
.IFC import for IDA-ICE
Practical exercise To choose renovation package which insure: 60% thermal energy reduction; 80% thermal energy reduction; Initial data: Building. IFC model; U values: Wall – 0.9’W/(m2K); Roof – 0.75; Floor – 0.8; Windows/door – 1.9