WARNING! This presentation contains descriptions and images that contain graphic violence. If you feel exposure to this may be traumatic please wait outside for the next ten minutes.
Video Game Blame
The Sims
Public Responses “I made a guy who was a compulsive neat freak. Put him in a really surreal little house with a wedding buffet and a hamster or something, deleted the door. Eventually he went insane from lack of cleanliness and depression over his little rodent friend dying, and starved to death once the banquet rotted. I put the resulting urn in the room. I then repeated an identical scenario several times, always keeping the urns in the room. Eventually the 10th iteration of this guy is up all night, every night, terrified of a parade of ghosts of him.” Another user stated that “I would train my son to be a good enough painter to do screenshot paintings. I then forced him to paint me naked or having sex with his mother and other women. I hung the paintings everywhere.” “I would train my son to be a good enough painter to do screenshot paintings. I then forced him to paint me naked or having sex with his mother and other women. I hung the paintings everywhere.” “My teenage son decide waking up to his alarm and getting on the school bus was unimportant, so I locked him in a 1×1 room until he peed himself and died in the puddle.”
Mental Health Statistics According to the 2013 National Survey on Drug Use and Health; Nearly 40% of adults with "severe" mental illness — such as schizophrenia or bipolar disorder — received no treatment in the previous year. Among adults with any mental illness, 60% were untreated.
Conclusion Psychologists have said that the connection can be drawn in some personalities prone to violent behaviours. Those same people can be inspired by any other form of media. Dangerous people draw dangerous conclusions where majority of people only sees entertainment. Instead of passing the blame to video games we need to look at the actual issue rather than trying to cover up our failings. If people took the blame off video games and instead focused on the real issues and causes we could potentially change the lives of millions of people who suffer every day with mental illness.
Resources Text Gentile, D., Lynch, P., Linder, J., Walsh, D., (2006) The effects of violent video game habits on adolescent hostility, aggressive behaviours and the school performance. Minneapolis, United Stated: Academic Press. Saale, Z. (2013) Video Game Violence: Why Do We Like It, And What's It Doing To Us? Retrived from http://www.npr.org/2013/02/11/171698919/video-game-violence-why-do-we-like-it-and-whats-it-doing-to-us Langman, P,. (2015) School Shooters: Understanding High School, College and Adult Perpetrators. Maryland. 2001, Columbine Parents Sue Entertainment Companies; Retrieved from; https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2001/apr/24/internetnews1 House Judiciary Committee. (1999) CHILDREN, VIOLENCE, AND THE MEDIA: A Report for Parents and Policy Makers. Utah, United States: The Committee. Weaver, C., & Carter, C. (2006). Violence and the media: Issues in cultural and media studies. Philadelphia, United States: Open University Press. Smity, S., Wilson, B., Kunkle, D., Linz, D., Potter, J,. Colvin, C,. Donnerstein, E., (1996) National Television Violence Study. University of California, Santa Barbara: SAGE Publications. https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/30r1l8/what_is_the_worst_thing_youve_ever_done_in_the/
Images http://joyreactor.com/tag/violence http://fivebeforechaos.com/2008/07/01/sex-violence-videogames/ https://www.doomworld.com/vb/doom-general/42866-post-your-doom-picture-post-in-part-2-instead/419/ http://www.gamespot.com/articles/new-doom-for-xbox-one-ps4-pc-won-t-be-easy-bethesd/1100-6428235/ http://www.playnswap.com/blog/top-8-influential-arcade-games-time/ http://au.ign.com/wikis/mortal-kombat-x/Fatalities http://outlast.wikia.com/wiki/Outlast:_Whistleblower http://rockman1.tumblr.com/post/6965598706/fuckyeahdead-space-the-eye-poke-machine-i http://glitchcat.com/505-games-announces-naughty-bear-panic-in-paradise/ http://www.nydailynews.com/life-style/health/role-video-game-addiction-played-columbine-shootings-article-1.361104 http://abcnews.go.com/Blotter/prosecutors-norway-killer-anders-breivik-played-world-warcraft/story?id=16511213 http://guardianlv.com/2013/09/grand-theft-auto-drives-8-year-old-to-murder-his-grandmother/ http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2516427/Sandy-Hook-shooter-Adam-Lanza-83k-online-kills-massacre.html http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/7826663.stm http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/northamerica/usa/10314585/Aaron-Alexis-Washington-navy-yard-gunman-obsessed-with-violent-video-games.html http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/washington-navy-yard-shooting-suspect-2279366 http://blog.lhyeung.net/2009/07/15/the-sims-3-review/ https://www.buzzfeed.com/jamiejones/worst-things-gamers-have-done-in-the-sims http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/gadgets-and-tech/gaming/gamers-confess-the-worst-things-theyve-done-on-the-sims-10144138.html http://www.samhsa.gov/data/sites/default/files/NSDUHresultsPDFWHTML2013/Web/NSDUHresults2013.pdf