Mental and Emotional Health Day 3 Depression Mental and Emotional Health
What Is Depression De·pres·sion Sad*ness Feelings of severe despondency and dejection. A loss of things you like to do. This occurs over a long period of time Sad*ness Feeling of sorrow or unhappiness
Signs of Depression Changes in feelings such as: Feeling empty Inability to enjoy anything Hopelessness Loss of warm feelings for family or friends Feelings of self blame or guilt Loss of self esteem Inexplicable crying spells, sadness or irritability Changes in feelings such as: Neglect of responsibilities and appearance Poor memory Inability to concentrate Suicidal thoughts and feelings
If You Or Someone You Know Has Signs Of Depression…..You Need To Act!! See a medical doctor for a complete check up. Go to the counseling center and talk with a professional counselor. Talk things over with an under- standing friend, family member or student services staff. Don’t expect too much of yourself until your energy and mood improve Take a break Get some exercise Avoid extra stress and big changes
What should you do if you need help At the junior high Talk to a trusted adult: -Mom/Dad -Extended family -Teacher -Counselor -Principal Outside help -Text 741741 (licensed professional on the other end of the text) - 800-950-6264 (Help line) - Family Resources (Davenport) 563-445-0557 -Trinity (Moline)-- (309) 779-2031