Hafanau Diogel a Heriau Newydd. Safe Havens and New Challenges Hafanau Diogel a Heriau Newydd? Safe Havens and New Challenges? Gweithdy: Ffoaduriaid, ymofynnwyr noddfa ac ymfudwyr yn y cyfryngau Workshop: Refugees, asylum seekers and migrants in the media Polly Seton – Arweinydd Proffesiynol / Professional Lead Janie Pridham – Ymgynhorydd Proffeisynnol/ Professional Adviser
Analysing newspaper articles Validity/Accuracy What sources of information are identified? Are these reliable? Argument Are assumptions being made? Are there flaws/inconsistencies? Are there other interpretations that could have been given that are ignored? Objectivity If assumptions are being made and other possible interpretations omitted, does the article reveal a bias? If so, can you identify examples of the language being used to do this? What part do photos, captions and headlines play in this?
Examples of propaganda techniques Fear mongering Winning confidence by quoting the common man Dehumanising or demonizing Flag waving Disinformation Exaggeration Half truths Scapegoating Deliberate vagueness Oversimplificiation The numbers game Loaded language
UNHCR report Analysis of press coverage of migrant and refugee crisis in 5 EU countries carried out by Cardiff School of Journalism, Media and Cultural studies in Dec 2015 Main Findings Major differences identified between: sources language themes reasons given for rise in refugee numbers solutions suggested. Overall Swedish press most positive while coverage in UK was the most negative and most polarized While newspapers in all the countries featured anti refugee and anti migrant perspectives, what distinguished right of centre press in UK was degree to which that section of the press campaigned aggressively against refugees and migrants. Negative framing and Fortress Europe approach identified. Dr Mike Berry, Cardiff School of Journalism and one of author’s of the report “In the EU press the negative commentary on refugees and migrants usually only consists of a reported sentence or two from a citizen or far-right politician – which is often challenged within an article by a journalist or another source. In the British right-wing press, anti-refugee and migrant themes are continuously reinforced through the angles taken in stories, editorials and comment pieces. It is this consistent, hard campaigning edge which differentiated the British right-wing press from anything else in our European sample."
Katie Hopkins - April 2015 in the Sun “Make no mistake, these migrants are like cockroaches.” Cameron – July 2015 on ITV news “You have got a swarm of people coming across the Mediterranean, seeking a better life, wanting to come to Britain because Britain has got jobs, it’s got a growing economy, it’s an incredible place to live”.
A change of heart?
Who said this? The most brilliant propagandist technique will yield no success unless one fundamental principle is borne in mind constantly and with unflagging attention. It must confine itself to a few points and repeat them over and over. Here, as so often in this world, persistence is the first and most important requirement for success.