AO2 Religious Language
Picture sentence starter Put the picture in the correct order
Think and link – colour code or number Ramsey Wittgenstein Aquinas Tillich Phillips Sign Univocal Symbol Analogy of proportion Lamb Myth Participate in equivocal Grow and die Picture theory Qualifiers ‘form of life’ Levels of reality Love Football/rugby context Analogy of attribution Philosophical investigations Upwards National flag Cross Noah’s ark Models Non-cognitive ‘criteria of coherence’ Point beyond Summa Theologica Downwards Being itself ‘category mistake’
Links – can you think of any more to add Analogy Symbol Language Game Aquinas Tillich Wittgenstein Ramsey Phillips ‘form of life’ Philosophical investigations Picture theory Football Criteria of coherence Category mistake Context
AO2 Issues A, B and C The solutions presented by religious philosophers for the inherent problems of using religious language. The exclusive context of religious belief for an understanding of religious language. The persuasiveness of arguments asserting either the meaningfulness or meaninglessness of religious language. How far Logical Positivism should be accepted as providing a valid criterion for meaning in the use of language. To what extent do the challenges to Logical Positivism provide convincing arguments to non- religious believers. Whether non-cognitive interpretations are valid responses to the challenges to the meaning of religious language D, E and F The effectiveness of the terms non-cognitive, analogical and mythical as solutions to the problems of religious language. The relevance of religious language issues in the 21st Century. The extent to which language games provide a suitable way of resolving the problems of religious language. Whether symbolic language can be agreed as having adequate meaning as a form of language. How far the works of Randall and Tillich provide a suitable counter-challenge to Logical Positivism. Whether the strengths of language games outweigh the weaknesses.
Homework Ensure you have watched the videos on analogy and symbol – have you got revision notes on all the non-cognitive forms of Religious Language – if not then crack on! Organise your file Complete essay plans 1, 2 and 3 – using booklet 1 and 2 and the textbook (photos) Bonus – Revise Theme 1
Activity Working as a class we will complete the plans to questions 6 and 7 6. Logical positivism 7. Challenges to LP In pairs/threes - Complete an essay plan in booklet 3 8. And 9. Non-cognitive interpretations of RL are successful 10. Analogy 11. Symbol 12. The issues facing RL still relevant today 14. And 15. Evaluating symbol 16. Evaluating LGT Use notes, booklets 1 and 2 and the WJEC textbook/free textbook Feedback your answers to the class –explain/present to the whole class Homework for next week – complete all of booklet 3 – in detail