Highlights of our week of learning.... Mrs. Boteilho’s Monster News... October 1, 2016 Highlights of our week of learning.... Reading: This week we will focus on the characters of stories. We will talk about why they are so important in stories. Writing: We will continue drawing pictures and label them. Math: We will practice counting groups of objects and telling which group has more and which group has less. Science: We will learn about Isopods. What is an Isopod you ask? Some examples are crustaceans that includes woodlice and their relatives. Isopods live in the sea, in fresh water, or on land. Most are small greyish or whitish animals with rigid, segmented exoskeletons. We will study Roly Poley’s in our classroom! You can add a picture and make it an oval shape under the image settings.
Mrs. Boteilho’s Monster News... Community Helpers Dear families: Class Directory: I have only had 4 parents sign up for our classroom directory. This is a great way for other parents in our classroom to contact you to invite your child to parties, playdates etc. Please consider signing up. Since children can’t bring invitations to school this is the best way to get in touch with other parents. If for some reason you have not received this link from me by e-mail OR you can’t figure it out, let me know you want to share information and I’ll do the rest! . Conferences coming soon!.... Wondering how your child is progressing? It’s almost time to find out! Watch for an e-mail coming from Sign Up Genius! This is an online scheduling tool that will allow you to sign up for a conference with me. It will even send you a reminder before your conference date to make sure you don’t forget! You can add a picture and make it an oval shape under the image settings. Community Helpers Dear families: We are looking for community helper volunteers to share briefly (15 minutes) with each of our six classes. It would be from 10:15-11:45. Presentations should include about what you do and how it impacts our community. Props/tools/vehicles that you use are encouraged. Please email Ms. Wallace at gwendolyn.wallace@cabarrus.k12.nc.us if you are willing to participate in this event. More detailed information will be sent out to those who volunteer. Thank you for participating in the education of our students!