Tiger Belle Parent Meeting May 24th, 2016 6:30-9:00 (Camps, Fundraisers, TB Parent info, etc.)
You should have picked up Line Camp Packet Practice Clothes Schedule Sponsor poster information sheet Host Contest/General committee form (Due Today!) SMA Release Form (Due Today!) Yellow Medical Card (Due Today!)
June 23rd (Meeting at School) Summer Dates Belle Camp Line Camp June 23rd (Meeting at School) June 24th-26th **August 8th-12th, 15th 16th =Team pictures** Team Picnic-August 13th
Line Camp – JUNE 24th-26th All times/details in packet Paper work needed by June 23rd Line Camp meeting: Physical form SMA release form Yellow, Small Medical form Constitution Agreement form Website/Picture release form
July studio Hours Sign-up Sheets at the front! First come first serve, limited space available! **Hours are due the first day of Belle Camp** TDEA WORKSHOP (JULY 12TH) MONEY DUE TONIGHT CHECKS PAYABLE TO KCHS- $35 Master Class Dance Company Dance intensives June 20th, June 23rd, July 14th. 9am-3pm. Flyers available up front, register online
orders Make-Up: Elizabeth donated $192 from 10 sets! Place order with me today-cash, check, or credit card info can be placed on order forms Team Bows: If you haven’t place an order please do so today Pick up all personalized orders tonight!
Fundraisers can no longer go towards your contest fee! Fundraising Change Fundraisers can no longer go towards your contest fee! I have no control over this! This came to me from administration!
Tiger Belle Vs. Booster Club Fundraisers Tiger Belle Fundraisers Spirit Poster (handout given today, color version on website) Butter Braids (October) Snap-Raise Fundraiser (November-December) Booster Club Fundraisers Trendsetters Dance contest (February) Mini-Belle Clinic (December) Top Golf (??) $$$
2015-2016 Fundraising Totals Booster Club Tiger Belles Butter Braids- Lost about $723.40 2014: $3,149.00 2015: $ 2,425.00 2016 goal: $3,500.00 Spirit Ads- Lost $2,050 last year 2014: $5,100.00 2015: $3,050.00 2016 goal: $5,000.00 Mini Clinic 2015: $2,313.00 (GREAT for first year!) 2016 goal: $3,500 Chipotle Spirit Night- $331.00 (not doing in 16-17) Snap Raise- $6008.31 (moving to TB fundraiser) Little Caesar’s Pizza Kits- $603.00
How will this affect you? Contest fee: TBD around $175-$200 (due in November) Belles Fundraising Fair-Share PER GIRL: $150 (due in December) ^^^3 Tiger Belle fundraisers to supplement this fee^^ Snap! Raise-You only receive 77% of what you raise Butter Braids- You only receive $5-$6 from each one sold Spirit Ads- You receive the full amount that you raised Buyout program will also be offered to pay full amount upfront If your fair share is not paid, it could result in the team losing the amount of competitions we attend, the number of routines we perform, or the ability for us to travel outside of Houston. ***Keep in mind this is still much less than other schools in our area!***
Why is fundraising important? TOTAL SPENT ON CONTEST 15-16: About $57,561.27 Each dance costs about $3,000-$5,000 (registration fees and costumes), out of city travel, contest shirt, choreographers, meal for travel, buses to in city contests, music mixing fees, etc. ***Your contest fee only covers entry fees and maybe one costume. It does not cover any travel.*** That is why fundraising is so important!!
Questions? See me after
Tiger Belles Host Contest 2017 Feb 4th, 2017
WE NEED A PROPS CHAIRMAN! Contest Volunteers Head Contest Chairman- Kay Hunter Committees: Concessions: secure donations/items for sale (Chairman: Penny Wyrick) In House (Vendors): seek out vendors to purchase booth space, organize and set up Tiger Belle Booth (Chairman: Laura Segers) Props: Build/take down judges stand, help teams with props (need men!) (CHAIRMAN NEEDED!) Hospitality: oversee all food/decorations for hospitality room (Chairman: Lena Taylor) Silent Auction: seek out donations for items in silent auction *We need chairman shadows. Interested in taking over one day? Write “Shadow” next to committee you selected. Must be Freshman/Sophomore parent* WE NEED A PROPS CHAIRMAN!
Every Belle needs at least 1 adult to volunteer at host contest
General Volunteer Opportunities Head Volunteer Mom- Kay Hunter These committees are not required, but encouraged. The more you put into this organization, the more you will get out!
Out of State Travel 2017-2018 Sorry seniors Location TBD Will cost about $1,000-$1,500 Cost is completely on your own, no fundraising can contribute to this Cost will be on top of your contest fee/fundraising fee START SAVING NOW! Especially if you want to be a chaperone We will begin traveling every other year (I.E. 16- 17,18-19,20-21..etc)
Meet your Booster Club Chairmen Head Volunteer Mom- Kay Hunter Treasurer- Latoya Johnson Fundraising Chairmen- Lana Kennedy and Lara Segers Events Chairman- Michelle Nichols & Rebecca Kidd
Do NOT leave until you have: Picked up your items from our vendors PURCHASED YOUR TEAM BOW-If you didn’t on May 10th Paid for TDEA workshop- $35 to Rodgers (checks to KCHS) Turned in: Constitution Agreement Form, Physical, SMA Release Form, Yellow Medical Card, Parent Committee Form ***Can make payments tonight on clothing to Mrs. Rodgers. Checks made out to KCHS***