Charles Dickens
Pip is very excited and anxious about being asked to Miss Havisham’s house. Have you ever felt this way about meeting someone? Who was the person and what was the situation? Daily Journal 24 Sept 2015
Charles Dickens Left school to work in factory when he was 12 because his father was in debtor’s prison. Possibly the greatest writer of the Victorian era. Social critic. Wrote “Great Expectations” in 1861 (My personal favorite is “A Tale of Two Cities.”)
Let’s discuss the reading using our roles. Discussion Director Summarizer Word Master Cartographer Connector Culture Collector
Most complex aspect of “Great Expectations” is understanding the relationships between the characters. And keeping the characters organized.
Current Roles Discussion Director Summarizer Word Master Story Mapper Connector NEW: Character Curator
Character Curator Notes new characters. Writes important information about them. Most importantly: Make notes about how characters are connected.
Make a list of the characters and their traits. You can start with physical traits. Then consider the role in the novel. Their job? How do they contribute to the story? What do they do for Pip and his family? Also, consider their relationships to the other characters.
Protagonist and Antagonist Who is the protagonist in this story? Who or what is the antagonist? What is your prediction for conflict and climax in this story?
What is the significance of the title, “Great Expectations?” What do you think these great expectations are? And who has them?
Many people in your life have expectations of you Many people in your life have expectations of you. Compare the expectations that you have of yourself to others around you. What do your friends, boyfriend, girlfriend, parents, and teachers expect from you? How are these expectations similar to or different from the ones you have of yourself?
Contemporary Version What is different about this version? How is the story told differently? Do you like the changes? Why do you think the film makers chose to make this changes? 00:02:50 – 00:05:00 00:11:00 – 00:13:30 – 00:18:50 -
Traditional Version How is tension established in the opening scene? What do you think of characters? How do they compare to the text characters? 00:02:00 – 00:05:30 00:08:00 – 00:09:00 00:19:00 – 00:24:00