Miss Caitlin Fortier Second Grade 1 October 2013 How to Measure Weather Miss Caitlin Fortier Second Grade 1 October 2013
Objectives 2.E.1.2 Summarize weather conditions using qualitative and quantitative measures to describe: temperature, wind direction, wind speed, precipitation. Upon completion of this lesson, students will be able to list and identify instruments used to gather quantitative data about weather.
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Measuring Temperature, Precipitation, and Wind Content Measuring Temperature, Precipitation, and Wind
Measuring Temperature Thermometers are used to measure temperature. Thermometers are made of glass or plastic and have liquid inside. When the weather is hot, the liquid goes up. When the weather is cold, the liquid stays low. Discussion question: What are thermometers used for besides weather? (Taking people’s temperatures when they’re sick)
Measuring Precipitation A rain gauge is used to measure precipitation. A rain gauge is a cup or a tube that catches the things falling from the sky. A ruler can be used to measure precipitation that collects on the ground, like snow. Go over definition of precipitation Look at fox’s feet to show how they sink into the snow, showing that it’s deep.
Tools For Rain For Snow
Measuring Wind Direction Weather Vane Wind Sock The wind spins a weather vane’s arrow in the direction the wind is going. Weather vanes are labeled North, South, East, and West. Weather vanes usually have roosters on top. A tube of cloth hangs at the top of a pole. When the wind blows, the wind blows the sock in the direction the wind is going. They are not actually made of socks!!!
Weather Vane Wind Sock
Measuring Wind Speed Anemometers measure the speed of the wind. Anemometers have three or four cups that spin around as fast as the wind blows. Electric instruments inside record the speed the wind blows the cups. Practice saying the word “anemometer” together.
Anemometer Video!
Post-Test What do you remember?
What does a thermometer do when the weather gets hot? It breaks The liquid goes up Points to where the temperature is
What does a weather vane do? Catch rain Pumps the weather’s blood Points to where wind is blowing
How do we measure wind speed? Anemometer Thermometer Cats
Wrong Answer Back to #1 Back to #2 Back to #3
Yes! A weather vane points to where the wind is blowing. Question #3
Yes! When the temperature goes up, the thermometer’s liquid goes up. Question #2
Yes! An anemometer measures wind speed.
Credits Hocking, W.K. “The Instruments of Meteorology.” physics.uwo.ca. n.p. 31 October 2000. “Weather Instruments.” weatherwhizkids.com. Weather Whiz Kids. 2010. “Anemometer.” Merriam-Webster.com. Merriam Webster. 2013. “Wind Sock” Merriam-Webster.com. Merriam Webster. 2013.