Archaeology and Its Importance in Studying History Unit 1 Test Grudgeball Review
What are the cardinal directions? This is the symbol on a map that tells you where the cardinal directions are positioned. What are the cardinal directions?
Compass Rose North, south, east, west
A special-purpose map that shows an area during a specific period in time is called a/an...
Historical map
What is a key/legend?
Separate area on a map, usually boxed off, that explains the lines, symbols, etc. on the map.
If I wanted to know the distance from one place to another on a map, what tool on the map would I use?
Scale bar
What is a map?
A flat projection of the earth’s surface.
What does the picture below show an example of?
A locator map
What kinds of information does a physical map show What kinds of information does a physical map show? What about a political map?
Physical - natural features like rivers, lakes, deserts, etc. Political - cities, borders between states/countries, etc.
Name the other words for describing periods of 10, 100 and 1,000 years.
Decade, century, millennium
Legend has it that the founders of Rome, Romulus and Remus, were born approximately 770 B.C. What is a more historically accurate way to say “approximately” in this sentence?
A distinct period of time is also called a/an...
This is also a distinct period of time, but it is also often characterized by a particular feature.
What do B.C. and A.D. stand for?
Before Christ Anno Domini, “The year of the Lord”
What do B.C.E. and C.E. stand for?
Before the Common Era Common Era
A line marked off with a series of events and dates is called a…
A list of dates in the order in which they occurred is called a…
Is the timeline below correct? Explain why or why not? B.C.E. _________________________________ A.D. 100 300 0 300 100
B.C.E __________________________________ C.E. No, because you must choose forms of dating that go together (BC and AD -or- BCE and CE). Also, the years closest to zero should be the smallest and the numbers farthest away should be the biggest. Correct: B.C.E __________________________________ C.E. 300 100 0 100 300
Why are there two different ways to describe dates - BC and AD -or- BCE and CE? Why might someone use one over the other?
BC and AD is a dating method centered around Christianity and the birth of Jesus Christ. This shows preference toward the history and significance of Christianity so a newer, more cultural sensitive version has been used in more recent times that refers to dates as BCE and CE (Before the Common Era and Common Era).
If I want to study the events of the past I might become a/an… If I want to learn more about humankind, in all aspects, especially culture and development I might study… If I want to learn more about ancient cultures by looking for artifacts and other evidence then I might want to study…
Historian Anthropology Archaeology
If I am focusing on the time before people developed writing, I am studying…
This is an example of a __________ source. While studying pre-history I may want to research stories and histories passed down by word of mouth. These are called… This is an example of a __________ source.
Oral traditions Non-written source
If I am studying the period after the development of writing, what kinds of sources might I use? There are two major kinds, but also give me examples of each.
Written sources like primary (diaries, newspapers from the time, photographs, etc. and secondary sources (textbooks, biographies, documentaries, etc).
What is the difference between an artifact and a fossil? Both fossils and artifacts can be other examples of ________________ sources.
An artifact is something used by humans (tool, pottery, etc. ) An artifact is something used by humans (tool, pottery, etc.). A fossil is the remains of something that was once alive. Non-written sources
Are primary or secondary sources more valuable to historians? Why?
Primary sources because without them you could not accurate make secondary sources.
When you are able to date an artifact using information already known about the civilization it’s called...
Cultural Dating
There are two types of cultural dating There are two types of cultural dating. What are they and explain what they are.
Absolute dating - when you can narrow down the time period of a piece to small span of years using information you already had or can gather. Relative dating - when you can only give an estimated date to a wider time period based on what little data you have about the object and/or time.
If you cannot use cultural dating then you might analyze the item in a lab using...
Scientific dating
One of the more recent and accurate forms of dating the remains of a once-living object is called…
Radiocarbon dating
Describe radiocarbon dating.
Every living thing absorbs carbon from the atmosphere Every living thing absorbs carbon from the atmosphere. A small amount of the carbon is radioactive. When something dies it stops absorbing carbon. The radioactive carbon begins to decline at a known rate. Archaeologists can measure how much is left in things like bones and wood. This helps determine when it died and therefore, how old it is.
Describe the archaeological process Describe the archaeological process. Be sure to use some terms we discussed.
Archaeologists choose a location or site to begin excavating Archaeologists choose a location or site to begin excavating. They create a grid around the area. They dig slowly and carefully so as not to harm any objects. They then create an archaeological record using the information they have gathered from the objects found.
Where are the oldest objects usually found on a site Where are the oldest objects usually found on a site? Why might they be found elsewhere?
In the deepest/bottom layer In the deepest/bottom layer. They may not be there though due to human disruption over time (new settlements, etc.) or natural disasters (earthquakes, etc.).
Study and do your best tomorrow! You will find this review presentation on Mrs. Coates’s Weebly site as well as on Plus Portal as part of tonight’s homework. Study and do your best tomorrow!