MOBILITY-21 Coalition: LA County Moving Together
Today’s Objectives Welcome and Introductions Access D.C. 2003 Recap June Access Sacramento Trip - June 10 –11, 2003 Update on MOBILITY-21 Activities Guest Speaker: The Honorable Betty Karnette (D-27), California State Senator Transportation Legislative and Budget Update (Federal, State, and Local) Discussion of Possible Strategies for Dealing with the Projected State Budget Cuts
Access D.C. 2003 Recap Coalition members advocated on TEA-21 reauthorization, FY 04 appropriations, goods movement, environmental streamlining, and airport security needs Met with U.S. Senators Barbara Boxer, Dianne Feinstein, Patty Murray and U.S. Representatives Hal Rogers, Sam Farr, Lucille Roybal-Allard, Nancy Pelosi, William Lipinski, Thomas Petri, Gary Miller, James Oberstar, Nick Rahall, David Dreier, and Mike Honda Met with USDOT officials including FRA Administrator Allan Rutter and FTA Deputy Administrator Robert Jamison Coalition will monitor budget and legislation and advocate on issues throughout the year
Access Sacramento Trip Trip is scheduled for June 10-11, 2003 June 10 – Evening reception with LA County delegation June 11 – Full day of meetings with legislators and key policy makers; breakfast and lunch with keynote speakers Key priorities – Preservation of Prop. 42 revenues and transportation revenue legislation
MOBILITY-21 Activities 2003 MOBILITY-21 Summit November 17, 2003 – Place TBD Smart Growth Partnership A public/private partnership to address future growth and land use in our region will meet on June 17, 2003 Meeting will kick-off our efforts to use the Partnership to get good infill projects built near transit stations If you're interested in joining the Partnership, please let the Chamber know
MOBILITY-21 Coalition Guest Speaker The Honorable Betty Karnette California State Senator
MOBILITY-21 Coalition Federal Legislative Update TEA-21 Reauthorization FY 2004 Transportation Appropriations Chairman Ernest Istook (R-OK) Visit
MOBILITY-21 Coalition Local Legislative Update Realignment of duties from the state to the county Lack of Vehicle License Fee backfill Impact to local street maintenance and other related activities
MOBILITY-21 Coalition State Legislative Update Successes – ACA 7 (Dutra) and State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) Amendment State Budget Update What’s Next - May Revise and Preservation of Prop. 42
MOBILITY-21 Coalition Future Revenue Options Direct Revenue Increases SB 314 (Murray) – LA County Sales Tax SB 541 (Torlakson) – Gas Tax Indexing AB 1500 (Diaz) – Petroleum Fee
MOBILITY-21 Coalition Future Revenue Options Bond Issuances SB 341 (Torlakson) – General Obligation Bonds for Infrastructure ACA 11 (Levine) – General Obligation Bonds Voter Threshold
MOBILITY-21 Coalition Future Revenue Options Pay-As-You-Go March 2004 Initiative for Infrastructure Projects sponsored by Assistant Republican Leader Keith Richman
MOBILITY-21 Coalition Next Coalition Meeting Thursday, June 5, 2003 9 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. LA Area Chamber Sign up today - Membership forms passed out; drop in box on the way out today.
MOBILITY-21: LA County Moving Together