Date of download: 12/29/2017 Copyright © ASME. All rights reserved. From: Contributions of Kinetic Energy and Viscous Dissipation to Airway Resistance in Pulmonary Inspiratory and Expiratory Airflows in Successive Symmetric Airway Models With Various Bifurcation Angles J Biomech Eng. 2017;140(1):011010-011010-13. doi:10.1115/1.4038163 Figure Legend: Average wall shear stress projected on surface meshes [(a) and (b)] and grid-resolved viscous dissipation on a perpendicular plane inside the volume meshes [(c) and (d)]. Left figures [(a) and (c)] are for inspiration and right figures are for expiration [(b) and (d)] at the moderate flow rate with a bifurcation angle 35 deg.