Mrs. Brown’s Third Grade Back To School Night 2017 - 2018
Meet Mrs. Brown I am so excited to be your third grade teacher! I love to teach, read, craft, and spend time with my wonderful family! We love to go to Lagoon and head off on adventures. We also love to have family movie or game night.
Fantastic Fieldtrips! We will be going on some fantastic, fun fieldtrips this year! One this fall, and then one in the spring. Watch for more information to come! Students with excessive missing assignments or behavior problems will not be invited to go on fieldtrips.
Daily Schedule 8:40 – First Bell Rings 8:50 – Tardy Bell Rings 8:40 – 9:00 – Morning Work 9:00 – 10:15 – Language Arts Block 10:15 – 10:30 – Recess 10:30 – 11:15 – Computer Lab 11:15 – 11:45 – Reading RTI 11:45 – 12:25 – Lunch 12:25 – 1:10 – Math Block 1:10 – 1:55 – Prep (M - Computers T – P.E. W – Art/Music Th – Library) 2:00 – 2:15 – Recess 2:15 – 2:55 – Writing 2:55 – 3:20 – Reading Passage 3:25 - Dismiss
Lots Of Learning We are learning so much in Third Grade! Your student will be learning more reading comprehension skills, how to write longer pieces, and many new math concepts! There is a lot to learn, and not much time to do it in. It takes a lot of practice, and one-on-one time to master all of these skills! YOUR CHILD NEEDS YOUR HELP! Practice makes perfect, and most of the individual practice takes place at home.
Daily Homework At Home Reading Keyboarding Basic Math Facts Your child should be reading a book on their exact reading level! I will help them figure out what this is! :) They will record their minutes as well as the title of the book that they are reading. 20 minutes per day (at least) is expected. Keyboarding Students should be practicing their keyboarding for 10 minutes 5 days per week. Basic Math Facts Students should be completing 20 math problems per day, 5 days per week. PLEASE GRADE THEIR WORK! :)
Oh-Nos and Speeding Tickets Any assignments that are not completed during class time will be sent home with an Oh-No note attached. These assignments have now become extra homework. They need to be completed and returned the next day. Assignments that were completed with too many errors will be returned with a Speeding Ticket. Students are expected to correct their mistakes and resubmit the assignment. Neither of these notes are meant to be punishments! In third grade, we strive to instill academic responsibility and pride in student work. Please help your child to set the bar high. They will rise to your expectations!
Weekly Homework Homework Folders Homework folders (Purple B.E.E. folders) are expected to go home, and come back to school every day. Please check them for unfinished work, or speeding tickets, that need to be completed and returned the next day. Homework logs will come home every Tuesday and be due the following Tuesday. Any late homework will be docked points.
Attendance Third Grade is FULL of hands on experiences. These experiences can not be recreated, or sent home, in case of absences. THIS IS WHY ATTENDANCE IS SO IMPORTANT! We understand that sickness, and emergencies happen. Please do not send your student to school sick. However, please make every effort to have them at school ON TIME, EVERY DAY! If your student is absent for any reason, they are responsible for any work that they missed.
Weekly Assessments FRIDAY ATTENDANCE IS VITAL! We assess students every Friday in multiple areas that we have been working on during the week. Language Arts Assessment Math Skills Quiz Reading Fluency Timing Weekly Assessments are almost impossible to make up. Please make sure that your student is in class ALL DAY on Friday.
Volunteers WE NEED YOUR HELP IN THE CLASSROOM!! This year we have VERY large class sizes! In order for your child to have the best experience in Third Grade, we need all of the help we can get! Please let me know of any days and times that you can volunteer. We really appreciate it! When signing up for a time, please be committed to coming at that time every week.
Standardized Testing Standardized Testing will take place during April and May. We will announce the dates AS SOON as we know! IT IS IMPERITIVE THAT YOUR STUDENT IS IN SCHOOL AND ON TIME FOR ALL TESTING DAYS! We will also be taking Interm tests during September and January.
Third Grade Behavior Expectations Listen when others are talking Follow directions the first time they are given. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself. Work quietly and don’t disturb others. Show respect to students, teachers, and school property. Work and play safely.
Behavior Management Positive Individual Positive Classroom Kid Bucks Students collect Kid Bucks to purchase classroom prizes. Positive Classroom Work towards classroom/table points for rewards Behavior Clip Chart Students have the opportunity to move up and down the chart. If they are in the following zones, the following punishments will be given. Think About It! -- Warning Teacher’s Choice -- five minutes of recess is lost (usually). Parent Contact -- whole recess is lost to fill out a note that will be sent home. This note MUST be signed and returned the next day or the student will miss an additional recess.(See following slide.) Multiple verbal warnings are given before students will be asked to move down the chart.
Behavior Notes
School Wide Behavior Management Syracuse Elementary is implementing a new school wide behavior management plan! An email explaining some of the components will be sent in the next few days. More information will also be coming. We are excited for all of the positive changes that are coming! :)
Communication Weekly newsletters will be sent home in the Tuesday Folders and can also be found on my website. E-mail (This is the best in most cases. Please try this first.) Please sign up for our class Remind! A quick text message is a very easy way for us to communicate! Phone (801-402-2600) I am at the school from 8:15 - 3:45 if you need to contact me. You may be asked to leave a message and I will get back to you as soon as possible.
Student Supplies Your student will need the following supplies for the upcoming school year. If you are unable to provide these supplies, please let me know as soon as possible. If you are able to donate supplies for another child in our class, please notify me as well. 12 pencils (These will go into a class "pot" to be distributed throughout the year as needed. PLEASE send Ticonderoga brand, as they tend to last longer. I know it seems silly, but it makes a HUGE difference!) 2 Post-It Note Pads (These will go into a class pot as well, and be used throughout the day.)
Thank You! Thank you for all of the hard work that you have already put into your child’s education! I look forward to joining your team and working with you and your student this year! By working together, we will achieve our higher standards! I am super excited for a fantastic school year in Third Grade!