Vastra Arpan Abhiyan By Bhagwati Steel Sales Chandigarh
Vastra Arpan Abhiyan We had joined hands with M/s. Indo Global College to run a campaign in Dec’14 ‘Vastra Arpan Abhiyan’ to collect used cloths in good condition which were distributed to the underprivileged / needy persons. The boxes to collect old clothes had been kept at various locations in tri-city. We had also kept a table below the banner outside our office to collect cloths from our staff and valuable customers. Flexes / banners were put at main locations of tri-city to get warm response. The message was also broadcasted on FM radio. We had also put flexes outside our office and on other prominent locations to draw attention of people to get good response. Some of our customers had also extended their support and send clothes. Our staff members have also come forward to donate clothes for this noble initiative. The clothes were distributed on 25th Dec’14 to the needy people.
Flex banner outside our office
Flex banner outside our office & Steel n Style
Clothes being distributed to underprivileged / needy people
Thank you