keeping it simple future in the
you can talk about the FUTURE like this ...
ce soir je vais regarder la télé PLUS AN INFINITIVE PRESENT TENSE OF ALLER tonight I’m going to watch tv
this way is called the FUTUR PROCHE the near future, i.e. what you are going to do ….. Use it to talk about
now look at this different version ...
ce soir je regarderai la télé PLUS AN ENDING STEM (same as THE infinitive) tonight I will watch tv
this way is called the FUTUR SIMPLE ANY FUTURE TIME, i.e. TO SAY WHAT YOU WILL DO, WHAT WILL HAPPEN .. Use it to talk about
so how does it work?
Add the Future endings to the infinitive (non-conjugated verb) -er verbs + endings -ir verbs + endings -RE verbs lose the final –E + endings
the Futur endings: Je –ai Tu –as Il –a Nous –ons Vous –ez Ils -ont
je travailler tu jouer il partir elle descendr on boir ai as a a a look! no -E a
nous travailler vous jouer ils partir elles descendr ons ez ont ont look! no -E
some verbs are irregular but the stem still ends in -r
être Je serai To be avoir J’aurai To have aller J’irai To go venir Je viendrai To come faire Je ferai to do,make devoir Je devrai must, have to savoir Je saurai To know
pouvoir Je pourrai can, to be able to vouloir Je voudrai To want voir Je verrai To see envoyer J’enverrai To send apercevoir J’apercevrai To notice recevoir Je recevrai To receive
and that’s the FUTUR SIMPLE dubai image – yasser khairat tv set image – yasib nasir other images – © Rob Courtney King Edward VI School Southampton