David Thompson Art Show By Jessica Crane
Brainstorming Ideas Have a Classical Ball Everyone must dress fancy (dresses/suits) Show art piece by piece (on stage) Silent auction (unless you want to keep your art) Background music (live acoustic guitar/piano/vocal) Banquet (fancy food) Fancy Decorations (tables/curtains/rose petals) Invite anyone (out of school included) Raise money to travel overseas to give people gifts and help little kids who have nothing.
General Description Have a classical themed art show where students who are involved with the art class can show their work to the world. The school as well as family and friends will all be invited, and there will be a banquet and a classical ball afterwards. All guests will be dressed fancy, and there will be a silent auction for any art the students want to sell their art. There will be absolutely no drugs or alcohol allowed during this event.
Purpose of the Show For the students to show their artwork to their friends and family, to have a great time with friends and family, and to raise funds for travelling overseas as a school and give gifts to people and little kids.
The Plan 6:30pm: Doors open 7:00pm: Art Show starts; show art piece by piece on stage, (camera would project the show on the screen), and everyone would vote on the art pieces. 7:30pm: Banquet starts, Silent Auction starts 8:30pm: Silent Auction ends, announce the winners of both the silent auctions and the art displays. 9:00pm: Dance starts 11:30pm: Doors close
Resources and Materials General: - curtains for the walls, tables/art stands, microphones/speakers, organizers/MC’s Banquet: - tables, table cloths, centerpieces, food, candles, chairs, cooks, table settings (cutlery, napkins, plates, etc…) Dance: - lights, rose petals for the floor, music (live classical band)
Budget Fund raisers in the school: - bake sales - bottle collecting - other fund raising ideas
Staff Ms. Weima – Organizer/MC Mrs. Boyd – Organizer Jessica Crane, Brenda Bjorge, Bret Window –Musicians Mrs. Haney – Cook Other volunteers – Cooks
Health and Safety Standards - I can’t think of any risks
Indicators for Success - The money would be raised for the trip overseas.