St. Mary’s Labyrinth Barrie, Ontario
The Labyrinth at St. Mary’s church Built during the Renewal & Renovation project in 2011 It is located at the entrance to the church and is 43 feet in diameter with 8 circuits. It is made of concrete pavers in sandstone and the path outline is grey-blue pavers. The Labyrinth at St. Mary’s is a modified design based on the most famous Labyrinth at Chartres Cathedral in France.
The Labyrinth at Chartres The Labyrinth at Chartres Cathedral is located in the nave of Cathedral. It was used for walking contemplation by monks in the 13th century. It is still used for meditation by pilgrims visiting the Marian Pilgrimage centre. According to tradition, Chartres Cathedral houses the tunic of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Sancta Camisia, since 876.
Chartres Cathedral The relic came from Jerusalem and as a result Chartres has been a very important Marian pilgrimage centre. People come from around the world to honor it. The Stone floor still bears the ancient floor labyrinth (1205) This was used for walking Contemplation by monks Now used by the pilgrims for meditation. It is approximately 42 ft. in diameter with 11 circuits The path is approximately 965 ft. in length
History of Labyrinth at Chartres Cathedral, France No surviving documented records of when the labyrinth was constructed Some publications suggest dates of 1200-1235 John James( James, 1990) architectural detective. Speculation that the current labyrinth replaced an earlier labyrinth is the nave is unfounded.
Labyrinths in many locations It is believed that the great cathedrals of France may have been part of the journey of devout Christians who no longer able to travel to the Middle East because of unsettled regions. The resurgence of interest in Labyrinths, coincides with today’s increase focus on personal self-awareness and spiritual growth. ( recent research suggests as we age our interest in spirituality increases) Labyrinths are found in public parks, private gardens, churches and hospitals.
Walking the Labyrinth at St. Mary’s Church The Labyrinth is an ancient symbol that is being re-discovered as a path for spiritual growth. Dates back over 4000 years and restores to Christianity the walking meditation. A Labyrinth is not a maze it has no dead ends. A Labyrinth leads us to its centre.
Modern-day uses In hospitals, labyrinths are walked by: staff Recovering patients Visitors The focus is often to relieve stress and aid in rehabilitation. Community groups and retreat centres use labyrinths for meditation and reflection
Labyrinth Starting place New beginning Journey RCIA Bereavement
Chartres Cathedral , France
Labyrinth as a metaphor for life’s journey The labyrinth symbolizes life as a pilgrimage spiritual journey Walking the Labyrinth is a contemplative prayer It is meant to be travelled as a holy journey on sacred ground- with open heart and mind.
Four Movements in the journey The Threshold/ Entrance Journeying In The Resting Place Journeying Out Each movement adds a new element to your experience
Four Movements Threshold / Entrance Waiting and gathering yourself at the threshold or entrance, you are setting the tone for your walk by shedding the everyday details of a busy life. Journeying In Opens your mind and lets thoughts and emotions flow freely, as your body moves slowly towards the labyrinth centre the mind focuses
Movements of the journey The Resting Place Arrival at centre allows you to rest and opens up the possibility of a new awareness being born. Journeying Out Journey out allows you to return to or re-enter the everyday world with this awareness and a new sense of purpose
Pause before you begin your journey to the centre of the labyrinth The path to the centre is never straight, you return from the centre and the entrance becomes the exit. Guidelines for walking the Labyrinth: Pause a moment before entering. Set your own natural pace to walk Be conscious of your breath Stay in the moment and your experience will guide you. During your walk shed anything that might hinder your journey When you reach the inner circle, take time to be still, be with God the centre of your being.
Walking the Labyrinth On your return walk, ponder your experience, what have you received during the walk. You may pass people, let others step around you or greet others, whatever is natural for you. Upon completing your walk, bow or make a sign of gratitude and reverence to God who has walked with you. Each time you walk the labyrinth, you experience may be different Be open and receptive.
Prayer before we begin the walk: Lord, guide our feet into the way of Peace. Canticle of Zechariah: Solvitur ambulando…It is solved by walking…. Saint Augustine
The Labyrinth is a Journey A metaphor for the journey of Life As well as a journey of our Christian Life. Let us embark on this journey as a community of faith.
Ministry with Maturing Adults Thank you Mary Perry White Ministry with Maturing Adults St. Mary’s Church Email: