Child Labor Among Syrian Refugees in Lebanon Research Challenges and Ethics Concerning a “Triply Vulnerable” Community Hasan Shaaban/ (Left, Center), Shelby Surdyk (Right) Rima Habib, PhD, MPH, MOHS Professor & Chair Department of Environmental Health Faculty of Health Sciences American University of Beirut Email:
Outline Background & relevant facts Brief description of the research project Ethical challenges encountered Recommendations
Background & Relevant Facts Lebanese lawmakers banned adult Syrian refugees from working Children as young as 6 are working 5-10 hours per day 36% of agricultural child laborers are illiterate Agriculture work exposes children to danger and hazardous conditions Ministry of Labor and ILO, National Action Plan to Eliminate the Worst Forms of Child Labor in Lebanon by 2016. Available from Shaheen, K. “Adults before their time”. The Guardian, 2015. Available from UNICEF, UNFPA, UNESCO, UNHCR and SCI, Situation analysis of youth in light of the Syrian crisis, 2014. Available from
Child labor project Interdisciplinary methodology: Desk review and document analysis Ethnographic qualitative fieldwork Quantitative household survey
The study area Fieldwork was conducted in 4 districts, within 2 governorates (muhafaza) of Lebanon: Hermel Baalbek Zahle West Beqaa
The quantitative component REUTERS/Jamal Saidi (Bottom), Google Maps/2017 Satellite Image (Top)
The quantitative component The household and parent questionnaire - Carried out with the female “home maker” at each selected tent Collects data on household demographics, education, migration history, employment history, social capital and family assets, availability of/access to/use of services, and social and family practices The child questionnaire - Carried out directly with children aged 8 to less than 18 - Collects data on conditions of life and work, specifically child workers demographics, work history and experience, education, health status and experiences, and perceived outlook on life
Ethical Consent & Assent Process Individual tent in ITS [Household] Female homemaker OR Male head of household Consent of household to participate Working child [Age 4 - <8] Working child [Age 8 - 12] Working child [Age >12 - 18] Consent of parent Assent of child Consent of parent Assent of child Parent answers
Ethical challenges Photo Credit: Addario, L. (2015). In the Bekaa Valley, may refugee children do farm work to help support their families. The New York Times.
“Triple Vulnerability” Children Lebanese Law Workers Vulnerable to repercussions from employers and shaweesh (middle men) Refugees Precarious conditions, lack of basic necessities, survey fatigue مشروع الهراوي لقانون الاحوال الشخصية الباب الثالث لولاية المادة 86 : الولاية الجبرية على القاصر هي للأب، وهي للأم في حال وفاة الأب او جنونه او اعتباره مفقودا. واذا لم يكن للقاصر أب ولا أم فعلى المحكمة المختصة ان تعين له وصياً
Ethical challenges Steps taken at the request of IRB Translation of informed consent form and questionnaires Decision to interview in homes, not in occupational settings Use of tablets to collect data from interviews
Ethical challenges_ Example
The story of Manal… How can we document the conditions faced by displaced working children in a quantitatively sound manner, and communicate the severity of the crisis to government agencies and the international community, while remaining empathetic and sensitive to the particularly vulnerable situation of refugees in rural Lebanon?
Recommendations Contextualize the IRB ethical guidelines Adapt international food scale/questionnaires in sensitive settings Recognize the urgency and role of advocacy Thank You