Technology on a Budget Aaron McGrath Marshfield High School Saturday, March 13, 2010 Ozarks Foreign Language Association
Link to video Why technology?
Dollars and Sense?
Grammar Reinforcement YouTube/TeacherTube Grammar Reinforcement Standard Deviants School, Sr. Mara (Conjugations Back • Reflex Your Verby • Cry Me a Verb) TV shows Telenovelas, Mr. Bean Goes To the Dentist Game shows Russian Roulette in Spain Commercials Five Dollar Footlong Music/Karaoke Manos Al Aire by Nelly Furtado Cultural Clips Fernando Botero
YouTube/TeacherTube Converts any YouTube video to any file format you need. Convert videos to MP3 audio files
Presentations What for? Bell ringers Lecture/Grammar notes (Many presentation software applications associated with textbook you can access and edit in PowerPoint) Vocab. Flash Cards Search for already-created PowerPoints for your textbook series Review Games markerboards game templates
Beyond PowerPoint Presentations Create a presentation on a blank canvas Sample Free (can pay for advanced features) Takes photos and puts them into a creative movie with music FREE — 30-second video $30/year — unlimited full-length Create electronic posters Finding Photos Advanced search and select “Creative Commons-licensed content
Music iTunes Free MP3 streaming Recommends music based on artists you currently enjoy iTunes Find top music downloads in specific countries
Web sites/Wikis Homework calendars with links to docs and media Purpose: Homework calendars with links to docs and media Supplemental materials like study guides, PowerPoints, or notes from class Assignment Calendar Students respond with text messaging on their cell phones to a question you create Free — limited to 32 participants per poll $129/year— 40 participants per poll with advanced polling (so you can identify and grade responses) More pricing information Sample Poll & Students call a toll-free number to record voicemails that can be downloaded by the teacher Free registration Assign speaking assessments for homework Students can call from any phone — not just a cell
iPods Listening activities Textbook listening activities Sign out and take home Tests – listening to do at own pace Oral activities – using microphone attachments
Wiimote Whiteboard Explanation What you need: Wii remote ($40) LED pen ($5-10 or make your own) LCD projector computer with bluetooth (USB adapters available $30-40) software (free download) Johnny Lee’s how-to Web site Penteractive Allows you to create an avatar and have it speak — either with text-to-speech or you can record your own voice. Sample Upload any picture and make it talk with your voice or text-to-speech Sample Allows you create a word cloud from a text in the target language Good to use as a pre-reading strategy to predict what text could be about You can add a transparent layer to any video on which you can add text/graphics to the video.
Comic Strips Make Beliefs Comix — Comic strips with predesigned characters Pikistrips — Create comic strips from your photos
Top-notch Tech Resources Brian Reynolds Cindy Kendall