R&D Funding in the New Administration and Congress Matt Hourihan July 27, 2017 For the Science Diplomats Coffee AAAS R&D Budget and Policy Program http://www.aaas.org/program/rd-budget-and-policy-program
UPDATED R&D in the FY 2018 Budget (budget authority in millions of dollars) FY 2016 FY 2017 FY 2018 Change FY 17-18 Actual Estimate* Budget Amount Percent Total R&D 149,520 156,834 149,606 -7,229 -4.6% Basic Research 32,883 34,743 28,934 -5,808 -16.7% Applied Research 39,569 40,455 35,119 -5,336 -13.2% Development** 75,584 79,175 83,659 4,484 5.7% Facilities & Equipment 2,579 2,513 2,175 -337 -13.4% Defense R&D** 79,109 83,752 92,477 8,725 10.4% Nondefense R&D 70,411 73,082 57,129 -15,954 -21.8% *AAAS estimates based on the FY 2017 omnibus. Other years based on OMB data revised with agency R&D data. **Using old definition, continuing to count DOD 6.7 as R&D. 6/21/2017 | AAAS
Congressional Reception and Questions… Many Republican responses negative, i.e.: “draconian, careless, and counterproductive” “cannot pass” “does not work” FY 2018 budget: Where do the caps end up? House Budget Resolution: Trump+ But disagreement over caps, cuts Eventually will probably have to reach a deal with Senate, but what?? Will White House go along? How will appropriations shake out? House finished, Senate underway Few surprises so far: basic science protected more than applied/mission agencies, defense preferred to nondefense Minibus? Omnibus? Full-year CR?
mhouriha@aaas.org 202-326-6607 http://www.aaas.org/rd For more info… mhouriha@aaas.org 202-326-6607 http://www.aaas.org/rd