VIPLab QA Data Filtering Process
Ranking Codes CODE Description 1 Ideal Data, Good and Useful 2 Good to Marginal 3 Marginal to Questionable 4 Snow 5 Cloud 6 Estimated 7 NO DATA
MODIS Flags and Data Variable Data Cloud State Bit 0-1: 00 = Clear 01 = Cloudy 10 = Mixed 11 = not set, assumed clear Cloud Shadow? Bit 2: 1=Yes, 0=No Pixel adjacent to Cloud (Not used) Bit 13: 1=Yes, 0=No Aerosol Quantity Bit 6-7: 00 = Climatology 01 = Low 10 = Average 11 = High Snow/Ice Bit 12: 1=Yes, 0=No Cirrus detected (Not used) Bit 8-9: 00 = None 01 = Small View Angle Pixel Information, Degrees (Solar Zenith Angle)
AVHRR Flags and Data Variable Data Cloudy? Bit 1: 1=yes, 0=no Cloud Shadow? Bit 2: 1=yes, 0=no Aerosol Quantity N/A Snow/Ice N/A (processing) View Angle Pixel Information, Degrees (Solar Zenith Angle, View Zenith Angle)
Decision Tree – Data Filtering START Data valid No Rank =7 Yes Yes IsCloudy Rank=5 No Yes IsSnow Rank=4 No Yes Yes Cloud Shadow Low Aerosol & Vz<30 No No Low Aerosol No Yes No Vz<=30 Yes Rank=1 Rank=2 Rank=3 Rank=2
AVHRR Screening / Decision Tree START No isData Rank =7 Yes Yes IsCloudy Rank=5 No Cloud Shadow Yes No Vz<=30 No Cloud Shadow &Vz>30 Rank=2 Yes Rank=1 Rank=3