CWG on the use of country & territory names as TLDs (CWG UCTN) Presentation in Copenhagen, ICANN 58 Annebeth B. Lange, co-chair for ccNSO
Scope and Work Method Only discussing TLDs (first level!) Codes and names based on ISO 3166-1 Review existing policies RFC 1591 Fast Track, overall policy IDN ccTLDs New gTLD policy and AGB Module 2, Assess feasibility of definitional Framework for the the use of C& T as TLDs Not a PDP – but CCWG: give advice to be included in PDP Teleconferences weekly and F2F meetings
Current status of WG: Interim paper Observations, conclusions and tentative recommendations up for public comment Overview of use of country and territory names over time Pre-RFC 1591 Post RFC 1591 Evolution of proposed use as new gTLDs Overview of assigning method ISO 3166 Maintenance Agency and difference in status codes assigned by MA Documentation of working method to consult community to inform discussions CCWG Result deliberations 2-letter codes Lack-of result deliberations 3-letter codes
Conclusion 1 Interim Paper : Interim conclusions 2-letter strings The WG recommends that the existing ICANN policy of reserving 2-letter codes for ccTLDs should be maintained Consistent with RFC 1591, based on standard established and maintained independently of ICANN and general applicable (outside of the DNS) ICANN not in business to decide what is and what is not a country
Conclusion 2: Divergence views 3-letter codes Maintain Status quo – no solution Dynamic nature ISO 3166 IDN ccTLD’s: overlap with definition meaningful representation Possible solutions 3-letter codes on ISO 3166 treated as ccTLDs? 3-letter codes on ISO 3166 allowed as gTLDs? With some restrictions, e.g. support or non-objection from relevant public authority/ccTLD Allow all codes and names as gTLDs with no restrictions
Conclusion 3: No harmonized framework feasible Stakeholder groups too far from each other Mandate is too limited, all geonames and/or names second level need to be included in mix Parallel efforts, divergence and un-coordinated CCWG UCTN ( this group) Discussion on Geographic names + Country & Territory names initially part of Subsequent Procedures in GNSO GAC WG on Geographic names (including C&T names, regional names)
Tentative Recommendations Close CCWG Country and Territory names Continue work in this area, however in other format Consolidate all efforts into one effort Clearer link with policy development processes, but how? Should c & t names as TLDs be treated in GNSO PDP? Should ccNSO have a PDP with this issue? Or, should we have a CWG with extended mandate?
Next steps Awaiting public comment on Interim paper Provide updated Recommendations to ccNSO and GNSO Councils (anticipated at ICANN 59) Should the second recommendation from Study Group be activated? Letter to the ICANN Board from ccNSO Council to exclude country & territory names until when? Until we have managed to find a harmonized framework all can agree on? Await final report CCWG UCTN In light of the need for further work on the treatment of country and territory names, the complexity of the issue at hand and the aforementioned inconsistencies between various ICANN policies, it is also recommended that the ccNSO Council request that the ICANN Board extend the current rule in the new gTLD Applicant Guidebook regarding the exclusion of all country and territory name sin all languages, for consecutive rounds of new gTLD applications until such a time when the work of the cross community working group has been concluded .
Final words Read the report Give us your view on how to treat C & T names as TLDs in subsquent round Do not hesitate to ask Bart or me if you need clarification Thanks for listening In light of the need for further work on the treatment of country and territory names, the complexity of the issue at hand and the aforementioned inconsistencies between various ICANN policies, it is also recommended that the ccNSO Council request that the ICANN Board extend the current rule in the new gTLD Applicant Guidebook regarding the exclusion of all country and territory name sin all languages, for consecutive rounds of new gTLD applications until such a time when the work of the cross community working group has been concluded .
Annebeth B. Lange Questions? Annebeth B. Lange