I. Basic Techniques in Structural Geology Fundamental principles Field measurements and mapping Terminology on folds Terminology on faults Stereographic projections Preparing maps and constructing cross-sections Seismic Imaging
Fault terminology To characterize fault geometry Hanging wall Footwall High angle (dip>50)/ Low angle(dip<30) To characterize fault slip Net slip: Strike slip Dip slip: Throw Heave so:, Hanging wall Footwall (Net slip)^2 = (Strike slip)^2 + (dip slip)^2 (Dip slip)^2 = (heave)^2 + (Throw)^2 (Net slip)^2 = (Strike slip)^2 + (heave)^2 + (throw)^2
Fault terminology Normal fault Thrust (low angle) or Reverse fault (high angle) Right lateral Strike slip Faults Left lateral
A real example illustrating the difference between apparent separations and true slip
Fault terminology Normal fault Thrust fault Strike slip Faults
Fault terminology To estimate slip on a fault one needs piercing points (i.e., the intersection of material line with the hanging wall and the footwall). The slip vector is determined from the strike-slip and dip-slip offsets of the piercing points. In case of the offset of a planar surface (a bed or a dike for example) it is not possible to estimate slip, except if the rake in kown. In that case what is measurable is a separation vector. You need to define along which direction the separation is measured (strike, dip, vertical) EX: If slip is not horizontal (meaning that the topography created by the dipslip component has been eroded) the strike-separation shown here is not the component of slip parallel to strike
Do not confuse separation and fault slip!
How to represent in map projection a plane and a line simultaneously (for example a slip vector on a fault plane, or a streching lineation on a foliation plane)? How to estimate the intersection of planes (for example bedding planes to estimate the axis of a fold)?
Fossen’s online modules: http://folk. uib. no/nglhe/StructuralGeoBook Visible Geology: http://app.visiblegeology.com/features.html