Outreach to the Former Slaves
Millerite Campmeeting Foye Grave Millerite Campmeeting
Charles M. Kinney Healdsburg College
Edgefield Junction Church Edgefield Members
R. M. Kilgore “Klansmen”
Mrs. White Speaks to General Conference “Sin rests upon us as a church because we have not made a greater effort for the salvation of souls among the colored people.” Mrs. White Speaks to General Conference Ellen G. White
Ellen, William, James, & Edson White Review & Herald
James Edson White at Age 13
Former Slaves Edson
The Morning Star
Ole A. Olsen General Conference President
Route of the Morning Star 1895 Vicksburg, Mississippi
Mississippi River Vicksburg The Morning Star Yazoo River
Edson White in 1907
Edson & Emma
George Irwin Ole Olsen
Oakwood Industrial School
Booker T. Washington Founder Tuskegee Institute Booker T. Washington Founder
Established in 1896