Sammanträde med styrelsen


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Presentation transcript:

Sammanträde med styrelsen Linneaus Center ACCESS Autonomic Complex Communication nEtworks, Signals and Systems Sammanträde med styrelsen Tisdag den 6 mars 2007, kl. 15.30 Näsby slott, Näsby park

Sammanträde med styrelsen Dagordning Interimsstyrelsen konstituerar sig Föredragningslista Utseende av justeringsman Förutsättningar samt diskussion om styrelsens roll och arbete ACCESS graduate school (beslutspunkt) Verksamhet och budget 2007 (beslutspunkt) Industrial Partnership Program ACCESS hemsida Nästa möte

4. Förutsättningar samt diskussion om styrelsens roll och arbete VR Linnestöd om 20 MSEK med tillhörande forskarskola 2,3 MSEK kronor för perioden 2006-07-01 - 2008-06-30. Bidragets totala längd kan uppgå till 10 år (2006-07-01 - 2016-06-30). Skolan för Elektro- och systemteknik medfinansierar centret med 2,2 MSEK/år Första utvärderingen av VR efter 2 år. Forskningsprogrammet ACCESS med tillhörande forskarskola ska drivas inom ramen för ett center vid skolan för elektro- och systemteknik. Centret skall även kunna utgöra en plattform för samverkan med industripartners. Ordinarie styrelseledamot Personlig Suppleant Anders Flodström, rektor ordf Gunnar Landgren vice rektor Bastiaan Kleijn, vice-ordf Mikael Skoglund Bo Wahlberg Anders Lindquist Gunnar Karlsson Rolf Stadler Föreståndare: Björn Ottersten

Short Term (2 year) Objectives Results and Dissemination: Joint Projects: Several joint projects will be initiated. Provide a platform for entering into and extending our EU project portfolio. We will be partners in at least three new EU projects within FP7. Joint Publications: More joint journal publications will be added to our already strong publication record. Invited Sessions and Special Issues: Organize special sessions at the main conferences and to be guest-editors for special issues in the main scientific journals. Graduate Education: Graduate education will be restructured providing students with a broader expertise as outlined in the ACCESS graduate school application. Interaction with Applied Research: Industrial research projects (some of these may be EU projects) related to ACCESS will be initiated with two or three test-bed activities demonstrating key technologies.

Short Term (2 year) Objectives Renewal: Faculty Positions: At least two new faculty positions in the field of the proposal. Hiring of Post-docs: These positions will be openly announced, and the best candidates will be hired independent of group structure. We will focus on candidates that complement our current research competence. Mobility Program: An exchange program for guest researcher to KTH as well as funding of sabbaticals at international top universities for our faculty will be initiated. All graduate students in ACCESS will have the opportunity to spend three to six months at an international research laboratory (in academia or industry). This effort will be coordinated by corresponding STINT proposals. Workshop & Lecture Series

5. ACCESS Graduate School Planned activites Statistical Mechanics of Distributed Information Systems ACCESS PhD School Intensive course With support from NORDITA, which recently moved to Stockholm, and the Academy of Finland we organize a meeting in Mariehamn Åland, July 15-18, 2007. Linear Stochastic Systems, VT 07 – Per Enqvist, Math A geometric approach to modeling, estimation and identification. Combinatorial Optimization, VT 07 – Anders Forsgren, Math

5. ACCESS Graduate School Planned activites Wireless Sensor Networks – Lang Tong, Cornell Short course in the spring Intellectual Property - Marianne Levin, SU Summer School jointly with GST, 25-29 June, 2007 Intellectual Property and related issues (legal, commercial, technical, modern media, etc.) Course held by Institutet för Immaterialrätt och Marknadsrätt (IFIM) SU VINNPRO planning application approved Partner: KTH Executive School

5. ACCESS Graduate School Finansiering: 1,15 MSEK per år Förslag till struktur Studierektor / Program Director: Mikael Skoglund Studiekommitte / Study Committee: Bo Wahlberg, chairman Mikael Skoglund Björn Ottersten Ulf Jönsson Budget för 2007 * Salaries, program coordination: Program director at 10% 100 kkr Study committee chairman at 5% 50 kkr * Course development: 1275 kkr * Travel and housing, guest lecturers: 50 kkr * Teaching facilities: 50 kkr * Summer school: 200 kkr ----------------------------------- Total 1150+575 = 1725 kkr Not: vi har prioriterat medel för kursutveckling (enl VRs instruktioner kan del av pengarna användas till 50% av en studierektor)

6. Verksamhet och Budget Management Center board Researchers, External members, KTH rector/management Center director and co-director Executive committee Director, co-director and research leaders for thematic research areas Center administration Minimal admin and dedicated office requirements Professional PR assistance to add visibility Partnership program, graduate school, website etc.

6. Verksamhet och Budget Thematic research activities Project funding Post-docs, Research visits (incoming/outgoing) Mobility programs academia/industry Workshops Distinguished Lecture Series Scalability is key, a single radio link is trivial. Creating coverage over a large area, accomodating many users, different requirements (data rates, latencies Interactivity, control

6. Verksamhet och Budget Research Organization Thematic research areas Essential areas for the success of the center. 1-2 coordinator for each area. Evaluated every 2-3 years by center board based on indicators (research excellence, cooperation, renewal) and peer review. Funding redistributed and themes redefined based on evaluation. From proposal Autonomic Communication and Computing Opportunistic and Collaborative Communications Network Coding Resource Optimization Distributed Processing for Sensor and Actuator Networks Architectures, Performance, and Complexity

6. Verksamhet och Budget ACCESS Distinguished Lecture Series Started fall 2006 One lecture per month during the semester Responsible: Bo Wahlberg Internal Workshops 1-2 per semester 2 mini-workshops during fall 2006 2 workshop scheduled during spring 2007

6. Verksamhet och Budget 2007 Thematic Research Area (TRA) funding 10 MSEK (5 MSEK from 2006 and 50% of 10 MSEK from 2007) 18 researchers - 560 kkr per researcher according to Automatic Control Håkan Hjalmarsson, Karl Henrik Johansson, Mikael Johansson, Bo Wahlberg Communication Network Gunnar Karlsson, Rolf Stadler Communication Theory Mikael Skoglund, Erik Larsson Formal Methods Mads Dam Optimization and System Theory Xiaoming Hu, Ulf Jönsson, Anders Lindquist Sound and Imagine Processing Bastiaan Kleijn Theoretical Biological Physics Erik Aurell Signal Processing Peter Händel, Magnus Jansson, Björn Ottersten, Petre Stoica

6. Verksamhet och Budget 2007 Post-docs 500 kkr/year (not fully funded) – 1+1 year commitment Open call during spring 2007 Priority to joint appointments (supported financially by more than one group) Decision by director after consultation with executive committee Mobility Visiting faculty (ACCESS visiting professor) Mobility for researchers and PhD students? Details must be defined

6. Verksamhet och Budget 2007 Project funding Complement to Thematic research funding Should span multiple groups and/or thematic areas Duration approx. 2 years Could be a way to associate researchers/expertise not currently associated with ACCESS – renewal aspect Solicit projects or ”call” - evaluation? Decision by board after recommendation by director and executive committee Co-funding of third party projects Incentive to create more research activity in ACCESS area Could take the form of “No center OH” + percentage Different categories?

6. Verksamhet och Budget 2007 Management and Admin Director and co-director 25% 350 Admin support and PR assist 75% 575 Lecture series 100 Workshops, joint activities 100 OH (HSG, Offices, IT, EE OH) 450 Total 1.575

6. Verksamhet och Budget 2007 Income VR 11.15 x 1.5 = 16.725 KTH 2.200 18.925 Expenses TRA 10.080 Grad school 1.725 Post-docs, 4x500 (1+1 year commitment) 1.000 Mobility 1.000 Project funding 2.545 Co-funding of partner projects (15%-20%) 1.000 Management and Admin 1.575

7. Industrial Partnership Program Existing Cooperation in Consortium

7. Industrial Partnership Program Major industrial partners informed about Linnaeus Center – Center description distributed to Ericsson, TeliaSonera, Skype, … Project based cooperation Simple Partnership Agreement – all difficult matters pushed to project contracts Initiate negotiations with Ericsson ongoing

8. ACCESS hemsida