Things fall apart, chs 14-19 discussion questions FIRE partner
Chapter 14 What is the significance of comparing Okonkwo to a fish out of water? (p. 131) How have recent events changed Okonkwo? What evidence does Uchendu give to prove that Okonkwo is not the "greatest sufferer in the world"? (p. 135) Do you agree or disagree with Uchendu? Explain.
CHAPTER 15 What happened in Abame? What did the Oracle have to say about the man on the iron horse? Why do you think is the real cause of the man's death? Could it have been avoided?
What's Uchendu's comment on the killing of the man on the iron horse? CHAPTER 15 What's Uchendu's comment on the killing of the man on the iron horse? What's Okonkwo's comment? (p. 140) With whom do you agree? Explain.
Chapter 16 What are "efulefu"? How do they depict/symbolize the changes occurring since Obierika’s last visit?
Chapter 16 Why do you think Nwoye has become a Christian? Why does the new religion appeal to Nwoye? (p. 147)
Chapter 17 Why do the elders decide to give the missionaries a plot of land in the Evil Forest? How did this backfire?
Chapter 17 What is Okonkwo’s reaction when he finds out that Nwoye has converted, both initially and after some reflection?
Chapter 18 What’s the debate concerning outcasts (osu) joining the church all about? Explain the Ibo position and the missionaries’ position.
Chapter 18 Describe the debate related to what to do with the man who has purposely killed the royal python. What's Okonkwo's solution?
Chapter 19 What does Uchendu's prayer in the middle of page 165 tell you about what his society values the most?
Chapter 19 In the last paragraph of the chapter an elder explains why it is important for clansmen to get together. Why is it important to do so? Do you think it's important for large group of relatives in our culture to get together once in a while? Compare the bond of kinship in Ibo society and in ours.