Source: Sexual Inversion to Homosexuality by George Chauncey Jr. Labels Source: Sexual Inversion to Homosexuality by George Chauncey Jr.
Create a T-Chart Separating Biological from Social Explanations about Homosexuality Biological Social
Late 1800 Medical Journals Invert: Broad range (for example transvestite or feminist)of deviant behavior OR Homosexual: Choice of one sexual desire
Victorian Explanation Male sexual aggression and denial of female sexual interest. How would the above explain lesbianism?
A lesbian would have to become man-like in her sexual desires thus inverting her sexual character.
Karl Ulrich 1860 1860: Woman’s spirit in a man’s body. And he was openly gay. His work leads to inversion explanations by suggesting three sexes. Male, female and the urning. Advocated for coming out and equality of the urning. Generated a list of variant urnings.
Wikipedia Search Urningin (or occasionally the variants Uranierin, Urnin, and Urnigin): A person assigned female at birth with a male psyche, whose main sexual attraction is to women. Urning: A person assigned male at birth with a female psyche, whose main sexual attraction is to men. Dioningin: A heterosexual, feminine woman Dioning: A heterosexual, masculine man Uranodioningin: A female bisexual Uranodioning: A male bisexual Zwitter: Intersexual Urningthum, "male homosexuality" (or urnische Liebe, homosexual love) was expanded with the following terms: Mannling: very masculine, except for feminine psyche and sex drive towards effeminate men ("butch gay") Weibling: feminine in appearance, behaviour and psyche, with a sex drive towards masculine men ("queen") Manuring: feminine in appearance and behaviour, with a male psyche and a sex drive towards women ("feminine straight man") Zwischen-Urning: Adult male who prefers adolescents. ("pederast", "hebephile") Conjunctive, with tender and passionate feelings for men Disjunctive, with tender feelings for men but passionate feelings for women ("metrosexual", "bromance") Virilisierte Mannlinge: Male Urnings who have learned to act like Dionings, through force or habit ("straight-acting gay") Uraniaster or uranisierter Mann: A dioning engaging in situational homosexuality (e.g. in prison or the military)
The 1921 Inverted Female The 1921 Inverted Male Aggressive Trailer:
Pick the Invert and the Homosexual
Married Inverts Man marries inverted woman. He must be effeminate. Very Manly unless a Bear Very Gay
1913 Sexual impulse is turned toward those of the same sex but a man can still remain masculine in their nonsexual habits Havelock Ellis What about women? Goal here by this school of thought was to define male behavior as lesbians were simply diseased
Lesbian Women If she dresses like a woman and passes then she was not factored into the research. What is the marriage like? If woman and woman are together one must play the masculine role. Notice marriage expectations or the heterosexual paradigm. ONE MUST PLAY THE MAN THE OTHER MUST PLAY THE WOMAN. ONE WAS AN INVERT THE OTHER WAS A HOMOSEXUAL! The passive woman would be the victim of sexual advances. The victim is the homosexual. The other the invert as she changed roles. So find out which one is the homosexual.
1914 Herbert Clairborne: Inverts were hermaphrodites incorporating biological elements of both sexes. They have structural elements of the opposite sex. Masculine physical attributes could be a sign of masculinity and perversion in women. Bearded women are masculine 68% in 181 not married. Google Search Definition of Hermaphrodite: An organism that has reproductive organs normally associated with both male and female sexes. Many taxonomic groups of animals (mostly invertebrates) do not have separate sexes.
Havelock Ellis: Each person contains male and female germs of varying strengths. These germs determine physical state.
Linking Lesbianism to Biology of Women Early 1900s Use of the Period Focus on biology of women by examining one’s menstrual cycle Lesbians stop menstruating at an early age Irregular periods
Richard von Krafft-Ebing’s Degeneration Theory Civilization needs morality and order to develop society. Thus relationships must be based on morality and love. Sex outside of the heterosexual institution of marriage =lower evolution and threatens civilization.
John Addington Symonds Counterargument to Prior Slide Homosexuality was a part of the glorious Greek civilization. Was Ancient Greece a degeneration of society?
About Sexual Deviancy not Homosexuality Sexual Deviancy (inversion) is a poor working class issue. Upper class have achieved sexual propriety. This means good moral sex. Evidence: Servants show kids how to masturbate. Logic: Deviancy is class based. What if upper class is caught in the act? They were coerced thus making them victims. They were pitied while the aggressor was the pervert.
Prostitutes The lesbians give in to the desires of their diseased clients But the prostitute engages in sex that is not honorable
1900s Medical profession adopts congenital theory Inversion Inversion is hereditary but the degree varies Mental disorder
Sigmund Freud Questions homo and heterosexuality claiming libido suppression requires explanation The child just never resolved the psychosexual relationship with either mom or dad. Not nature
Final Thoughts Part I Develop a closure question
Blurring the Line Between Homosexuality, Inversion and Gender
Women in the US 1900-1930 Describe the female
More inverts exist in the 1920s because women are engaging in deviant behavior and are not healthy women. Promiscuous or Invert? Theda Bara 1920 Vamp Flappers Alice Paul
Hamilton the Civil Responsibility of Sexual Perverts
Lee Howard 1900 Link their inversion to their mothers James Kiernan 1914 Internal forces are changing the women because they are invading the man’s space
Time Out What makes one an invert and/or deviant? Generate a list. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
G Frank Lydston 1889 Due to urbanization more homosexuals are exposed. In every community of male sexual perverts they are usually known to each other and likely congregate together. The issue here is visibility.
Urbanization 1913 George Beard: Many homosexuals live in NYC among every class. 1916 James Kiernan NY calls gays “fairies” Philadelphia=“Brownies” Chicago has gay cafes Doctors report sexual undergrounds are spoken about by patients. They claim to know each other. Think gaydar.
Late 1920s Women are voting Women are working Inversion numbers increase Late 1920s begins examination of the homosexual rather than invert. These women are choosing to be with a woman Flapper was more sexual thus leading to the scrutiny of partners. Flappers were hyper-heterosexual
Create a T-Chart Separating Biological from Social Explanations about Homosexuality Biological Social