Prose Essay Reflection #2- 2012 “Under the Feet of Jesus”
Essay Reflection Reminders- Notebook PROSE section 5 Step 1: Write down your score stats on your AP Essay Log (Section 2) Step 2: Find your essay and open to Prose Section 5 in Notebook: Reference “Corrections and Commendations Guide” (Red Sheet) Step 3: Make a list of the numbers you received (2 columns perhaps, one for odd numbers and one for even numbers or one for strengths and one for weaknesses) and list numbers AND comments. Write out what the numbers stand for so you can learn them! Step 4: Write out, in sentences, your strengths and weaknesses per my comments and codes. Celebrate success and critique yourself fairly. I want to know that you’ve read your score and feedback and are really thinking about writing here. Especially look at your score for the thesis on this essay! Step 5: Set a goal for the next essay, from specifics (i.e. “no more misspelled words”) to more generalizations (I will raise from a 3 to a 4) Justify why you set that goal for yourself. This is where you need to show depth of thought and growth in your writing.
Class notes for this essay: Some still did not cover the essay in its entirety. Don’t leave out a vital element such as Perfecto Flores’ character. For the most part you were all accurate on the interpretation of the character growth, but you don’t always connect your interpretation to technique. Work on making your commentary more explicitly tied to your prompt and/or main idea Some thesis statements still just list the techniques without truly giving them dimension (e.g. “using tone and figurative language” instead of saying “using a dejected tone that shifts to a hopeful tone and an extended metaphor”)