Student Advisory Committee at the University of Arizona Adriana Riggs Martha Mosqueda April 17, 2010 UA/NASA Space Grant Symposium
Advisors The Student Advisory Committee is comprised of six second year interns. Nominated by mentors and selected by Space Grant Managers because of demonstrating exceptional leadership qualities and a strong commitment to the internship program. Why is there a need for a student advisory committee? They have mentors and the intern managers, but they are busy. They were in their shoes last year, and had about the same experiences. We bridge the gaps of the internship.
Objectives Our goals are for the interns to have outstanding internships where they: build professional relationships learn about and practice ethics learn to write scientifically build confidence establish a community among the interns ensure an engaging internship Build professional relationships: ex: with their mentors, their department, and space grant interns. Build confidence: in their presentation skills and research establish a community among the interns: make friends during the internship, not wait until the symposium to meet everyone. Sometimes interns are shy.
Intern-Advisor Matching Interns are divided into groups and matched to an advisor based on the similarity of areas of study. Kyle Withers (Advisor) Physics and Math Andrew Fiedler Physics and Astronomy Amy Gladwin Physics and Math Zachary Jarrett Mathematics Phillip McFarland Mining and Metallurgy Gregory Phelps Physics and Mathematics Kamber Schwarz Astronomy and Physics Michael Stefferson Chemistry and Physics 6 groups: 43 interns and 6 advisors: 7 or 8 interns to an advisor
Events Meeting with the interns Luncheons with professional speakers Abstract and Presentation Workshops Gatherings Doodle Poll was used to Schedule the events: Meeting w/ interns: individually and communicating via email or phone. Help them tie their interests and projects to NASA. Give them encouragement. Follow their progress during Luncheons: Where they learn about different and innovative topics about current research, some of which are NASA funded grants Gatherings: icebreakers to meet others, release tension, activities to get to know others, etc Icebreaker Dinner
Doodle Poll It’s free, and they also have a paid version.
Practice Presentations Workshops: go over abstract and presentations format, tips, ideas, editing, and comments. Also do practice presentations. Feedback notes: idea originally from Dr. Hongu.
Outreaching Through Facebook Facebook page: we have photos, events, links, and announcements.
Observations Communicating with interns Preferred communication through email, but initial introduction is key! Attendance of events: Luncheons with professional speakers (20%) Abstract and Presentation Workshops (20%) Ice breakers/gatherings ( 50%) Preferred communication through email with monthly brief check-ins of progress. Advisors have to be persistent, otherwise interns will not ask questions or address concerns. Attendance: its tough to get people to attend events because they are so busy…
Ongoing End of the year questionnaire for interns Advisor evaluation forms Alumni Facebook groups Questionnaire of internship experience: simple: hedonic scale, yes/no, etc…where we get straightforward answers. Advisor evaluation form Alumni facebook groups: for each year to keep in contact of progress Like a lot Like a little Not sure Dislike a little Dislike a lot
Suggestions for Future Advisors Record attendance of events Full-time advisor Coordinator Photographer Help and suggestions from past advisors Event tally participation: keep track of how many and who comes to the events. Help and suggestions from past advisors: have a meeting at the beginning of the internship so the can pass on their suggestions, observations, and overall experiences
Future Hopes Increase attendance at events. Build a stronger foundation for future Student Advisory Committees. Interns will: Grow as a person and as a professional Employ their research experience and gained skills to initiate a successful career
Acknowledgments Susan A. Brew, M.A. Program Manager, Arizona/NASA Space Grant Consortium Barron J. Orr, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Geospatial Extension Specialist, Associate Director, UA/NASA Space Grant Program Nobuko Kay Hongu, Ph.D., M.Ed., R.D., Assistant Professor and Nutrition Extension Specialist, UA Nutritional Sciences Department Richard Greenberg, Ph.D., Professor for Planetary Science, UA Lunar Planetary Department 2009/2010 UA/NASA Space Grant Interns, Mentors, and The Arizona Space Grant Consortium Thank you!