Security Issues for Visual Data: Copyright and Access Control Jianping Fan
1. Why we need security for visual data? We need to protect copyrights for visual data It is easy for us to copy a digital image without losing! ------- data level b. Different use class should have permission to access different visual data in database! Even the same visual data with different quality! -------- access control at database level Traditional techniques, such as encryption, are good enough?
Encryption key key plaintext cyber text plaintext Alice Encrypt Decrypt Bob source destination encrypt What you want to show us? I cannot pay for this!
Suppose you are good photographer, you want to show your work, but do not want other people make an illegal copy for this! I have no interesting on this!! I want to make a schedule to visit Arizona this summer!! It is so beautiful!! Arizona state government will have different opinion for these two photos!! Your children may get benefit from this photo!!!!!!!!
Jianping Fan 11/12/2002 watermarking
2. What’s the watermarking? Invisible & copyright protection
2. What’s the watermarking?
2. What’s the watermarking? Original image!
2. What’s the watermarking? Watermarked image!! Can you find the difference?
2. What’s the watermarking? Why we cannot damage the image quality? How we can do this? How to measure image perceptional quality? How to characterize human perceptional system? How to use this to watermark images?
2. What’s the watermarking?
2. What’s the watermarking?
2. What’s the watermarking?
2. What’s the watermarking? Why we need the maximum value? ---other people can also add watermarking to claim their copyrights! ---too large may damage images! What happen for the last two images?
2. What’s the watermarking? Requirements for watermarking Invisible Maximum value Deep Image Analysis Noises on edges & textural areas are not easy to be recognized! Small noises on homogeneous areas are easy to be visible!
2. What’s the watermarking? Homogeneous Background
2. What’s the watermarking? Texture Background
2. What’s the watermarking? a. How we can generate the watermarking signal? b. Where we should put watermarking signal in?
Edge Detection Edge Detection Results
Edge Detection Edge Detection Results
2. What’s the watermarking? If it is not maximum, I can also put my watermarking there!!!!!!
2. What’s the watermarking?
2. What’s the watermarking?
2. What’s the watermarking?
How to detect watermarking signal from an image? Watermarked image Original image If we do not have original one, how we can do this? Jianping Fan 11/12/2002
2. What’s the watermarking? What’s the key problem for this approach?
2. What’s the watermarking? 121 DCT Each DCT coefficient consists of information from all the pixels!!!!!!
2. What’s the watermarking?
2. What’s the watermarking? How to perform video watermarking? Is it too expensive for a 2 hours video?
Structure for MPEG Video Encoding GOP 1 GOP 2 GOP 3 GOP 4 time I B B P B B P B B B P GOP
2. What’s the watermarking? You cannot decode MPEG videos without I frames! You cannot decode B & P frames without P frames! Can we only watermark I frames? Can we only watermark I and P frames?
Structure for MPEG Video Encoding GOP 1 GOP 2 GOP 3 GOP 4 time I B B P B B P B B B P GOP
2. What’s the watermarking? P P I B P
Structure for MPEG Video Encoding B B P B B P B B B P GOP Error (noise for watermarking) propagation over time! Mistakes on motion estimation and compensation on objects’ boundaries Mistakes on temporal prediction and compensation
Technical Requirements for Watermarking Invisibility Robustness Capacity
3. What’s the access control? Visual Data in Disk client Access Control client client Access Policy: who can access what under which conditions
3. What’s the access control? Visual data in database Rules Users
3. What’s the access control? Visual data in database Rules Users Grouping users & visual data into a set of categories & providing tree-based indexing for such huge access control table!
3. What’s the access control? Integrating access control with database indexing structure!!! Video in Database Cluster 1 Cluster i Cluster n Subcluster n1 Subcluster 11 Subcluster 1j Subcluster nl Subregion nl1 Subregion nlm Subregion 11k object1111 object nlm1 Disk for Cluster 1 Disk for Cluster i Disk for Cluster n
3. What’s the access control? Integrating access control with video transmission and packaging!!! query object query processing feature extraction Cluster 1 Cluster i Cluster n Subcluster i1 Subcluster ij Subcluster im Subregion ij1 Subregion ijl Subregion ijr Object ijrm Disk for cluster 1 Disk for cluster i
3. What’s the access control? Integrating with encryption and networks!!! Query & Delivery Delivery Access control & rights management Query Presentation Query Processing Visual Summarization Indexing MPEG Encoder Video Collections
3. What’s the access control? Video Shot n Unsuitable for people under 18!!! Generating different versions? Repackaged MPEG Video Bit Stream!!!