Can we build an Anglo-Saxon settlement? Geography At SCHOOL, we shall be: researching WHERE in Britain the Anglo-Saxons invaded, through using maps, atlases and digital / computer mapping At HOME, you could: talk about and visit Anglo-Saxon places in Bath and the surrounding areas History At SCHOOL, we shall be: discovering how the Anglo-Saxons found their way to Britain, who was against it and the impact of its legacy on our lives today At HOME, you could: become a History Detective by taking a walk around Bath to see where you can find evidence of the Anglo-Saxons’ existence Project; Autumn 1 Can we build an Anglo-Saxon settlement? Our exciting topic this term will be based on the children’s questions about the Anglo-Saxon invasion of Britain. In each area of the curriculum, we have written about what we shall be focussing on at school. This is followed by how you might want to enrich your child’s experience at home. See your child’s teacher for further help! English At SCHOOL, we shall be: using our knowledge, skills and imagination in Writing to produce pieces of work which tell us about the Anglo-Saxons in inspirational ways, such as pretending we are writing a letter as an Anglo-Saxon, designing an informative leaflet and writing Fact Files At HOME, you could: read a story based in Anglo-Saxons times, such as, “Anglo-Saxon Boy” by Tony Bradman. It is about a boy called Magnus and his adventure-packed journey to the Battle of Hastings. Maths At SCHOOL, we shall be: researching and using Runes, applying our knowledge and skills in using perimeter and area to build a scale model of an Anglo-Saxon settlement At HOME, you could: have a go at designing your own scale model of a room or even your house! Science At SCHOOL, we shall be: learning about the different components of electric circuits and how to stay safe around electricity At HOME, you could: find out just how many electrical appliances you have in your house DT At SCHOOL, we shall be: finding out how the Anglo-Saxons built their homes and researching what shape, design and materials were used in their construction. Then we shall be designing, making and modifying our OWN based on our research At HOME, you could: find lots of materials to bring into school for your child’s model Spanish At SCHOOL, we shall be: talking about where we live and asking and answering questions and using a dictionary. COMPUTING At SCHOOL, we shall be: looking at how we can stay safe when we are on the Internet at home and at school Project Outcome We shall aim to build an Anglo-Saxon settlement!