Services at Ewu library NOTE: To change the image on this slide, select the picture and delete it. Then click the Pictures icon in the placeholder to insert your own image.
Services at EWU library Online Membership registration EWU Library Members have the enormous opportunities to explore the Library resources and services. Faculty, Students and Staff can apply online for library membership through this link Besides, supplicants can also upload their photos by themselves through this link ( for membership purpose.
Services at EWU library Information Literacy Program EWU Library conducts IL program round the year for students and faculty members. Students can register themselves through
Services at EWU library Reference Management Services EWU Library assists its user to organize research sources and generate citation/reference in multiple formats through Mendeley and Zotero reference management software.
Services at EWU library Virtual Reference Service EWU Library integrated ZOHO in its website for this service. Patrons avail this service from 3:00-5:00 pm from Sunday-Thursday
New Services at EWU library (2016) Online MyAthens Renew: EWU Library introduced online MyAthens (Remote Access to E-Resources) renew service from Summer 2016. Now Library users may request for MyAthens renewal for one semester from EWU Library website. Library users have to renew their library membership to get this service.
New Services at EWU library (2016) Google Custom Search on its home page: The importance of this Google Custom Search to include a search engine on website for helping EWU Library webpage visitors find the information they're looking for. Users can get high quality as well as relevant results through this search engine. Pinterest: Pinterest is newly introduced social network service of EWU Library. It is like a virtual bulletin or cork board that allows users to find and curate images and videos. Users can upload, save, sort, and manage images—known as pins and other media content (e.g. videos) through collections known as pinboards. It also acts as a personalized media platform. Users can browse the content of others in their feed. EWU Library has added Pinterest to its existing social media presence with Facebook, Google+, Twitter and YouTube
New Services at EWU library (2017) Article Request Service EWU library members commenced article request service for its members. Patron can request their necessary articles and book chapters through online form available at Library website ( If the library users are unable to get a certain full text article of subscribed E-Resource Databases, EWU library will provide the article through e-mail notification. Details of this service are available at Library website.
New Services at EWU library (2017) Subscribed Print Journals Service EWU library has organized its subscribed print journals at Library website ( Now users can browse and search the bibliographic details of print journals as well as its' articles. A remarkable number of those articles is also available in full text format. Besides, users can request to EWU Library through its website for print or scanned copy of these articles.
New Services at EWU library (2017) Instant Reference Service EWU Library introduced instant messaging service using WhatsApp on trial basis for providing reference queries to its users. It is a direct and user-friendly service for Library users to contact library personnel. Users may ask about services and resources provided by EWU Library and request information immediately via WhatsApp messages. The service hours is (09:00 am - 09:00 pm, Sunday to Thursday). If any user requests this service beyond the service hours, EWU Library will answer on the next service day.
New Services at EWU library (2017) Online Self-Renewal Service Introduced at EWU Library on trial basis EWU LIbrary introduced self renewal service for borrowed books, CD-ROM, DVD-ROM etc. for one month trial basis. The users who avail 7 days of borrowing facilities will be eligible to renew their borrowed library items for two days. Users are requested to follow the following steps to enjoy this service.