By: Sarah White & Katelyn Schneider When you died By: Sarah White & Katelyn Schneider
Title – When You Died Prediction: We think this poem will be about a loved one dying and how that affects the person’s life. The person will not be the same as they were before, but they don’t realize it.
Paraphrasing After the loved one died, things aren’t the same as they used to be. Everything seems dull and lifeless. The person feels like everything around them are dying too.
Connotation “the landscape changed”- the writer’s point of view has changed. Since they are depressed everything around them seems lifeless. “the coffee I was drinking turned cold”- the writer is trying to say that they can no longer taste the difference, let alone enjoy anything anymore. “the children’s giggles stopped” – the writer is telling us that they can no longer hear or contain the happiness they, at one time enjoyed.
Attitude The speaker and the poet are the same person. We know this because there is a dedication under the title given to a specific person. The attitude of the poet is not very happy or joyful. They seem down and depressed. You can tell that the person that died was very important in their life, and their death caused a huge impact on the person’s life.
Shifts There is no shift in the poem. The poet has the same attitude throughout the poem. They start and finish the poem miserable and lifeless.
Title We think the title has mostly the same meaning to us as we predicted. The title pretty much explains itself. The poet explains how everything was strange and unfamiliar to them after they lost someone important to them.
Theme We are pretty sure that the poet is trying to say that we should cherish our loved ones while we can, because one day we will lose them, and feel like we’ve lost everything and even part of ourselves. The world will feel totally empty without them.