Retail Store Project
Store Location Address your store will be located and information about the location Physical Address Shopping Center Size of store Rent/Lease information Information about the surrounding area How many people in your target market live in the surrounding area What competitors are close to your location What other businesses are close to your location Why you think your store will be successful in this location
Financing How will you get the money to open your store Name and information of bank Interest rate How much money will you need Give close to an exact number What expenses will that money cover Break down each thing the money will pay for Rent Utilities Salaries Merchandise Etc How will you pay that money back How long will it take How much will you pay back
Merchandise What type of merchandise are you going to sell What different segments of merchandise will you carry What brands of merchandise will you have What sizes will you offer How much of each product will you keep in stock Where will you order the merchandise from
Target Market Describe your ideal customer - if you have more than one you need to do this for each target market! Demographics: Age, income, gender, ethnic background, occupation, education, marital status, children, etc. Geographics: Where they live and like to travel and shop Psychographics: Buying habits, trends, interests, lifestyle
Store Layout How will you layout your store and why did you make the decisions you made What fixtures/furniture will you use throughout your store What type of lighting Describe your dressing rooms Describe your cash wrap area
Store Promotion Describe what your store will look like from the outside What will your window and in-store displays look like How will you promote your store Advertising: paid forms of promotion such as commercials, print ads, flyers, etc Public Relations: unpaid forms of promotion such as an article in the newspaper or on the TV news. Things that get people talking about your store! Sales Promotions: activities to increase sales such as coupons, in-store events, sales, giveaways, etc…
Visual Full size poster board Should display Name of your store Pictures of The front of your store The layout of your store Merchandise in each category Examples of advertisements and sales promotions