Who get to decide what gets produced? Economic Systems Who get to decide what gets produced? How it gets produced? And who gets to have it?
An economic system… …is a system which deals with the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services in a particular society
Economic Realities Wants > resources = scarcity Consequences of scarcity people must make choices goods and services must be rationed
All nations must answer 3 basic economic questions: What goods and services should be produced and in what quantity? EOC study guide Basic Economic Concepts #4
What goods and services should be produced? Should a local government use resources to build a new school, repair an old highway, or construct a new recreation center? Should American producers use resources to make goods for national defense or to provide services for retired people who are too old or ill to work? Should a farmer grow wheat, cotton, or lettuce?
All nations must answer 3 basic economic questions: What goods and services should be produced and in what quantity? 2. How should these products be produced? EOC study guide Basic Economic Concepts #4
2. How should these products be produced? • How should we obtain crude oil to meet our energy needs? • How much pollution should we allow firms to generate when producing goods? • How should hogs be raised before they become food?
All nations must answer 3 basic economic questions: What goods and services should be produced and in what quantity? 2. How should these products be produced? 3. For whom should these products be produced? EOC study guide Basic Economic Concepts #4
3. For whom should these products be produced? • Who should receive the limited supply of flu vaccinations? • Who should benefit from the construction of a new school? • Who should a shoe manufacturer market their products toward?
3 Types of Economic Systems An economic system that relies on custom or tradition to answer the 3 basic questions Traditional economy EOC study guide Basic Economic Concepts #5
Traditional Economy Characteristics Economic activity written by past generations Produce goods that satisfy basic survival needs produce little surplus engage in minimal trade Use primitive capital goods--no technology and entrepreneurship Rigid division of labor uses gender, age, and skills to define status and role in society EOC study guide Basic Economic Concepts #5
Amish of Pennsylvania Past generations determined: the main crops are hay, wheat, barley, rye and corn crops are harvested using horse-drawn plows society will voluntarily redistribute wealth to members who are needy
Mbuti population of northern Zaire pygmy hunter-gatherers live in bands, ranging from 15 to 60 people. Mbuti population totals about 30,000 to 40,000 people
Kavango tribes of Namibia Kavangos make their living from fishing, cattle, and the farming of sorghum, millet and maize The chief has power over his entire tribe and is responsible for the allocation of land. Although the Kavango chiefs are always male, the system is mostly matrilineal
Types of Economic Systems Cont. An economic system that relies on custom or tradition to answer the 3 basic questions Traditional economy An economic system in which the government dictates the answers to the basic economic questions Command economy EOC study guide Basic Economic Concepts #6
Command Economy Characteristics The government or other central authority makes all economic decisions Resources (factors of production) are owned by the government There is no competition; the purpose of business is to provide goods and services, not to make a profit Factories are concerned with meeting quotas set by government The government sets the prices of goods and services Consumers have few, if any, choices in the market place EOC study guide Basic Economic Concepts #6
Soviet Union 1920s-1990s Communist Party dictated the use of society’s resources Central planning authority sets production levels for almost all products May redistribute income, usually from society’s high earners to its low earners Government controls prices
North Korea One of the world's last centrally planned systems market allocation is sharply limited – mainly in the rural sector where some peasants sell produce from small private plots almost no small businesses
Types of Economic Systems Cont. An economic system that relies on custom or tradition to answer the 3 basic questions Traditional economy An economic system in which the government dictates the answers to the basic economic questions Command economy EOC study guide Basic Economic Concepts #7 A type of economy that relies on the individuals and businesses to answer the 3 basic questions and manage the factors of production Market economy
Market Economy Characteristics Economic decisions are made by individuals competing to earn profits Resources are owned by individuals Profit, not quotas, is the motive for increasing work Competition determines price and increases the quality of products Individual freedom is considered very important; individuals have freedom to make economic decisions EOC study guide Basic Economic Concepts #7
Hong Kong A free port that attracted foreign trade and investment Offers free markets and profit incentives with few government regulations on business activities Hong Kong enjoys the most economic freedom of any economy in the world
Mixed Economies Combines elements of pure market and command economies Government and individuals share the economic decision making process Government guides and regulates production of goods and services Resources are owned by individuals Government serves to protect both producers and consumers from unfair policies and practices
Mixed Economies Index based on Economic Freedom Economic freedom start at :47
Three Basic Economics Questions: What to produce? How to produce? For whom to produce?
Command vs Market Economies