‘Abdallah and Transjordan After Faisal was defeated by the French and driven from Damascus, his brother ‘Abdallah led a large Arab force north from the Hijaz to fight the French. The British intervened and called for the Cairo Conference to work out the situation, stopping ‘Abdallah’s force in Amman At the conference it was decided to give ‘Abdallah the area of Trans-Jordan as a new Hashimite kingdom and Faisal was given Iraq ‘Abdallah
Creation of Trans-Jordan In 1922 the League of Nations Council exempted Trans-Jordan from many provisions of the mandate for Palestine, particularly those referring to the Balfour Declarations and Zionist settlement The following year in Amman, Sir Herbert Samuel and ‘AbdAllah announced the government of Trans-Jordan, now to be autonomous and separate from the administration of Palestine Sir Herbert Samuel and ‘Abdallah
British Imperialism in Jordan British remained in control in many ways From 1921 onward, the British provided about 1/3 of all Jordanian revenue ‘Abdallah convened a group of Arab notable to prepare for an elective legislative assembly in 1926 In 1927 petitions submitted demanding freedom from British influence, leads to 1928 Treaty British helped ‘Abdallah establish an army - the Arab Legion, by 1930 it was one of the most significant military forces in the Middle East The army was the instrument of the British government though. It protected Palestine, Transjordan and Iraq from raids by Abd al-Aziz
Arab Legion Camel Corps
The British and Trans-Jordan Transjordan stood as an anchor for the British in the region, and as an important link in their empire ‘Abdallah performed well for them, and in return, they sustained him in a dignified manner ‘Abdallah maintained links with Palestinian political leadership, and the Arab population on both sides of the Jordan river Although Transjordan was a separate administrative area, with its own government and increasing sense of identity, its fate was closely linked to that of Palestine