ELA 9 Short Story Analysis Review for Exam!
First some review… What are the 3 elements of setting? Time Place Mood (psychological) What are the 6 types of conflict? Person vs. person Person vs. society Person vs. nature Person vs. self Person vs. fate Person vs. technology
And now for something new! Characters can be: Static (unchanging) Dynamic (changes) Flat (a minor character with only 1 quality) Realistic (multi-dimensional with complex relationships) Stereotyped (predictable) Can you think of characters for each of these types? (think books, movies, games, TV…).
Death by Scrabble What is the setting (think time, place and mood)? How do you know? What types of conflict are there? What types of characters are there? Do any characters change? How? What causes the change? Was the ending satisfying? Why or why not?
Flashback Drama Brainstorm scenes that happen sometime before the action in “Death by Scrabble.” Choose a scene and write a script. After showing me your finished script, rehearse. You must use all the people in your group as actors, furniture, props! Perform it!
Who can tell me what: Symbolism is? What the 3 types of irony are? Using an object, animal, person or place to mean something more than the literal sense (ex: dove=peace). What the 3 types of irony are? Verbal (sarcasm) Situational (the opposite of what we would expect. Ex: firefighter’s house burns) Dramatic (we know more than the character does)
What is foreshadowing? Foreshadowing happens when a writer or director include clues that hint at what is to come. It can be through dialogue, music, point of view or focusing on something. It can create suspense, add to mood or make the ending more believable. “Red Herrings” are clues that don’t actually lead to anything.
The Lottery What is the setting (think time, place and mood)? How do you know? What types of conflict are there? What types of characters are there? Describe any one character’s personality. Use evidence from the text to back up your opinion. Was the ending satisfying? Why or why not? Does the story have examples of irony, foreshadowing, symbolism or any other literary devices?
The Shivering Tree (p.19-29) What is the setting (think time, place and mood)? How do you know? What types of conflict are there? (name and explain) What types of characters are there? (name and explain) Describe Nanabush’s personality using at least 2 different words. Give evidence from the text to back up your opinion. Was the ending satisfying? Why or why not? Does the story have examples of irony, foreshadowing, symbolism or any other literary devices? (name and explain)
Pick a story to read and answer: What is the setting (think time, place and mood)? How do you know? What types of conflict are there? (name and explain) What types of characters are there? (name and explain) Describe a main character’s personality using at least 2 different words. Give evidence from the text to back up your opinion. Do any of the characters change? How? What causes the change? Does the story have examples of irony, foreshadowing, symbolism or any other literary devices? (name and explain)
Tableau Create a scene (no movement) from Nanabush. You must use all people in your group.
Hot-seating Character plus lawyer- prepare for defence. Audience- create questions as prosecution.
Your turn! Read a story with a partner and fill in the ELA 9 Short Story Analysis sheet. Be prepared to present your story to the class!