The Nature-Nurture Debate Leslie Price 1/29/08
What is the Nature-Nurture Debate? The question of whether a child’s development is most influenced by genetics (nature) or environment (nurture). This has been a major debate in developmental psychology for years. Heated debate in development of intelligence and gender roles.
Nature The argument that biological factors have the strongest influence on development Any capabilities or limitations are innate “genetic blueprint” for development exists Evidence for Nature: Children who have parents who are taller than the average adult are more likely to be taller than the average adult. Physical characteristics are also genetically passed from parent to child (eye color, hair color)
Nurture The argument that environmental factors have the strongest influence on development. Environmental influences: Family School Peers Culture Evidence for Nature: Behavioral similarities between parent and child Cycle of abuse
Interactionism (Hebb 1949) A range of genetic influences can be expressed differently in a range of potential environments Both nature and nurture influence development, but one may be predominant at a certain point in life. Heredity and environment cannot be separated Maybe they shouldn’t be separated This is what psychologists believe today Individual differences Can’t study biology without studying the environment b/c without the environment, biology would not exist.
Why is this debate important? Implications for schooling, parenting, etc. i.e. nurture and parenting parents could completely shape children’s behavior i.e. nature and parenting nothing parents could do to improve behavior Nature and intellect no need for rich learning environment Nurture and intellect need situations to stimulate learning
Twin Studies Study identical twins raised separately and fraternal twins raised together Similarities genetics or combination of genetics and similar experiences Differences must be due to environment Adoption studies Have contributed to psychologists’ thoughts about nature/nurture. Similarities in identical twins raised apart may be due to fact that many adoptive families are similar in important ways (stable home life). Adoption Studies No genetic connection to adopted parents, but strong environmental connection to adopted parents No environmental connection to biological parents Look at how alike or different adopted kids are to their adopted parents and biological parents Interesting Note: Shared environments: Children in the same family so different because may not have same experiences. school, rules at home, etc. Different interpretations of environment even if inhabit same physical space.
What do Psychologists believe today? Most psychologists today agree that both nature and nurture play a role in development. Do not know the extent of either.