Your Doctor Program: Transition to Value Based Care Kim Dunn, MD, Ph.D. Co-Founder, CEO, CMO 713-981-6125 (O) 832-752-1635 (M)
Need for Value Based Model Cover Texas Medicine Texas Medical Association September, 2012
Patient Centered Care / Quality
care plan management and telemedicine.” Your Doctor Program, L.P. Mission “Support the patient’s network to meet The Physician Quality Standard TM by continuously improving quality through care plan management and telemedicine.” Products “Medical Home in a BoxTM” is a 2 Day training and support program for a primary care practice to achieve NCQA Level 3 and continuously meet standards via Medical Home Portal “Accountable Care in a BoxTM” is a 2 Day training and support program for clinical integration that trains and supports a network of primary care practices, specialists, hospitals for patient centered care via the Medical Home Portal
KDunn and Associates, P.A. Our Value Summary Standards: NCQA (Med Home, ACO, HEDIS), Treatment Guidelines, PQRS, P4p, Regulatory and Reporting Requirements KDunn and Associates, P.A. Total Quality Management * Processes / Training Policies / Procedures Peer Comparison Reports Telemedicine / Specialists *Patent pending YDP Marketing Technology 1. MedHome Portal 2. Telemedicine 3. Smart Phone applications Accountable Communications Organization (ACO) Support and Training Financial: Save money Carriers/Employers Worker Compensation MedMal Benefits Physician Leadership development via PBCME/CNE for population health management Rapid medical home / ACO Paid faster and better via quality attestation model Save money via medmal reductions Patient Engagement for prevention and disease management Improved access via telemedicine Improved safety through care plan/Info mgt Patient centered quality Lower cost
Healthcare in Your Hand TM Care Access Card Mobile Communication