With pairs of compasses! Constructing Angles With pairs of compasses!
Perpendicular Bisector Perpendicular means ‘at right angles to’ Bisect means ‘ split into two equal pieces’ Perpendicular bisector does both i.e. splits a line into two equal parts and is at right angles to them. Any point on the perpendicular bisector will be an equal distance from the ends of the original line.
Step one – draw your line.
Step two – set your compasses to just more than half the length of your line
Lightly draw an arc above and below the line
Do not alter the compasses settings Do not alter the compasses settings. Put the point at the other end of the line and repeat.
Draw a straight line through where the arcs cross above and below.
Congratulations! You have drawn the perpendicular bisector. Important – don’t rub out your arcs.