Protists and FUNGi Chapter 8
What are Protists? Lesson 1
Protists share characteristics with: Plants Animals Fungi But they don’t fit into any of those kingdoms! What are protists? A protist is a member of a group of eukaryotic organisms, which have a membrane-bound nucleus
Reproduction Most reproduce Asexually Some reproduce Sexually Offspring are exact copies of parent Some reproduce Sexually Offspring are genetically different from parents
Classification of Protists
Plantlike protists Diatoms: Plantlike protest with a hard outer wall Very common
Plantlike protist Dinoflagellates: Uses Flagella to move Some glow in the dark due to chemical reactions
Plantlike protists Euglenoids Use flagellum to move Have a Pellicle, a rigid, rubbery cell coat Have eyespots to detect light Contain chloroplasts to make their own food
Plantlike protists Volvox Algae: Can unicellular or multicellular Classified as, red, green, or brown depending on pigments Volvox is many cells work together to form a large sphere. To move they beat their flagella in unison. Unicellular or multicellular? Volvox
Animal-like protists Amoeba Protozoans: Ciliates: Flagellates: Contain Cilia Flagellates: Contains Flagella Sarcodines: Have no specific shape (blobs) Amoeba Amoeba
Funguslike Protists Slime and Water Molds: Composed of cell material and nuclei floating in a slimy mass Water molds can cause diseases in plants
What are fungi? Lesson 2
What are fungi? There are an estimated 1.5 Million species of Fungi Hyphae: Fungi form long, threadlike structures that grown into large tangles, usually underground Hyphae absorb minerals and water Hyphae create a network called the mycelium Fungi are Heterotrophs: Fungi dissolve their food by releasing chemicals that decompose organic matter
Types of fungi Club Fungi Sac Fungi Zygote Fungi Named for shape Include Mushrooms, puffballs, stinkhorns, and bird’s nest fungi. Sac Fungi Causes bread dough to rise and Diaper rash Zygote Fungi Can cause bread to develop mold
Importance of fungi Decomposers: Break down dead plant and animal matter Fungi will also help break down pollution, including pesticides, in soil. Without Fungi, dead organisms and pollution would build up in the environment
Health and medicine Fungi can be used to make important medicines Antibiotics, such as penicillin are made from fungi Alexander Fleming accidentally made the first antibiotic while experimenting with 1928 Spores accidentally contaminated his experiment.
Importance of Lichens: What are lichens? Many animals survive in harsh conditions by eating lichens that grow there Plants benefit from lichens because fungi help break down rocks and create soil What are lichens? Lichen: A structure formed when fungi and certain other photosynthetic organisms grow together